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Fall River City Inspectors have begun visiting all personal property locations, rapid recovery meeting also announced



If you see someone looking around your property in the coming months, there may be a valid reason.

The City of Fall River’s Assessors Department has issued an announcement for city residents that there will be inspectors visiting all Personal Property locations throughout the city between 6/7/2021 – 9/1/2021.

Their ID’s will be visible for verification. Please call (508) 324-2300 if you have any concerns or questions.

Also, the City of Fall River invites the community to join them for a virtual public meeting Thursday night at 6:00 p.m. to learn about the Local Rapid Recovery Planning (LRRP) effort currently underway in Downtown Fall River.

“Our City is one of many communities participating in the Massachusetts Department of Housing & Community Development’s LRRP Program, which is a quick-moving planning program designed to aid post-Pandemic recovery efforts for businesses and develop near-term revitalization strategies to further strengthen downtown environments.”

The first phase of the LRRP focuses on data collection and analysis to determine the impacts created by the Pandemic as well as the current condition of public gathering spaces, streets, private buildings, and other elements that contribute to the overall quality of Downtown. The meeting will discuss how this information will be used to answer questions, such as ‘What are the impacts of COVID-19 on businesses?’ and ‘How conducive is the physical environment to meeting the needs of both businesses and customers?’

Use the following Zoom link to join the meeting

Fall River LRRP

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Twitwanger

    June 9, 2021 at 9:31 pm

    Are they looking for the over 70 million dollars Fall River will be receiving from the FEDS. Insatiable appetite for revenue, the hallmark of the corporation feeding frenzy…

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