Fall River City Councilors receive text threats
Just past 8:00 last night, three City Councilors received threats via text.

Just past 8:00 last night, three City Councilors received threats via text.
Pam Laliberte-Lebeau, Cliff Ponte Jr, and Richard Cabeceiras all received threats.
The messages they received were similar. The communication came from a woman stating that her ex-boyfriend and brother were making threats and would be coming after them and that they should call the police. The texter also gave Cabeceiras’ former address in the exchange. The messages sent were directed to each councilor individually and not as a group.
Laliberte-Lebeau and Cabeceiras both posted screen shots of the messages on their Facebook pages shortly after receiving them.
The phone number which appeared on Cabeceiras’ screen, appeared to possibly be from out of the city as the phone number, at least at one time, was tied to a resident of Foxboro.
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