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Fall River business closes its doors, employee calls out Charlie Baker



Photo courtesy of Madd Hatter Vaping Company

A Fall River business has closed and an employee of the business is calling out Governor Charlie Baker.

Just before midnight on Friday, Andrea Ottilige took to social media and the Madd Hatter Vaping Company Facebook page, to announce the closure of the business on Bedford Street and to take issue with Baker’s law restricting the sale of nicotine vaping products.

“I would like to give an insincere, and completely sarcastic shout-out to Governor Charlie Baker. First of all for aiding in the loss of the best job I’ve ever held, all while working With the best boss I’ve ever worked for.”

“Thank you for decapitating the means for decades long smokers to quit smoking. One fantastic 77 year old man, was one of our loyal customers, who’s only wish was to quit smoking before he had passed away. Don’t worry Charlie, he has now turned back to smoking. I’d like you to keep in mind the fact that he hadn’t smoked a cigarette in over a year, specifically due to his hard work, personal dedication, a little help from us, and sadly enough; no help from you. I’m sure this update will give you and your fiscal budget great joy, as you bask in the light that the immense overreach and utter corruption has brought to you…well done sir.”

“So many more people are going to be irreversibly harmed and possibly even die due to the irresponsibility of people like Charlie Baker and the like…I am entirely sure that that will not be talked about though, especially any time in the near future. With this decision, one thing has been made clear: Cancer and politicians both have one thing in common, they have both completed what they set out for, when another smoker dies.”

“The CDC has reluctantly stated, that black market THC cartridges, have been the source and cause of 100% of all “vaping related deaths,” yet the ban, will forever stay in place.”

“I really hope whatever plan you have with this works in the favor of your constituents and not on your own selfish behalf. I also hope, that the voting public, remembers the day the state decided they knew what was better for them, than you knew for themselves.”

“To the customers of The Madd Hatter Vaping Company:
Remember, Charlie Baker decided that you weren’t intelligent enough to make decisions for yourself. You needed a self-serving bureaucrat to make your decisions for you. The next time you enter the voting booth, keep that in mind.”

“Sidenote.. 1116 Bedford St Fall River Ma. Corner or Bedford and Eddy St. If anyone needs a cute little shop to rent, please think of my boss.”

On December 11th, the state’s Public Health Council approved new regulations that restrict the sale of nicotine vaping and flavored vaping and tobacco products following the Legislature’s passing and Governor Charlie Baker’s signing into law An Act Modernizing Tobacco Control.

The sale of non-flavored nicotine vaping products (with a nicotine content of less than 35 milligrams per milliliter) is now restricted to stores licensed to sell tobacco products, such as convenience stores, gas stations, and other retail outlets. Also, the sale of non-flavored nicotine vaping products (with a nicotine content over 35 milligrams per milliliter) is restricted to licensed, adult-only retail tobacco stores and smoking bars. In addition, the sale and consumption of all flavored nicotine vaping products may only occur within licensed smoking bars.



  1. DSP

    January 4, 2020 at 12:04 pm

    Hyperbolic liberal, screaming at the sky.

  2. Kevin Perito

    January 6, 2020 at 10:10 am

    She’s right on the money, every pun intended. Punishing local legal businesses for the faults and problems stemming from the black market is both naive and irresponsible. As these businesses close you will see a rise in unemployment. Way to go Baker and yes that was a very sarcastic kudos to our governor

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