Faces of Fall River
Faces of Fall River #2: Jackie from Quincy

Meet Jackie, a friendly face I met near the Fall River District Court. She was sitting on a bench across the street from her apartment and we struck up a conversation.
Jackie is a recovering addict that moved to Fall River from Quincy because of the resources to help with her addiction and the lower rents and cost of living. Her addiction caused her husband to divorce her and to strain the relationship she has with her children.
“I own the problems my addiction caused, but now I’m in a better place with a good relationship with my children and grandchildren. I’m thankful for the recovery resurces in Fall River that made it possible for me to recover and have a home.” – Jackie
Faces of Fall River is a project by Michael Silvia with the goal of recognizing everyday people in Fall River. Know someone that deserves to be recognized? Email info@fallriverreporter.com.
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