
Ex-boyfriend of woman accusing Turtle Boy of domestic assault speaks out



The ex-boyfriend of the woman who accused Aidan “Turtle Boy” Kearney of domestic assault has shared that he believes he has experienced a similar history with the woman.

Nicholas Bonfilio submitted a prepared statement to Kearney’s defense team that was submitted in the January 8th hearing where Lindsey Gaetani was requesting her temporary restraining order against Kearney be extended.

Bonfilio, who was out of state on vacation at the time, could not attend the hearing and instead, shared his past experience with Gaetani in the form of a written letter. The letter was signed and dated by Bonfilio on January 4th, 2024.

Gaetani was issued a temporary ten-day restraining order against Bonfilio in July of 2016. At an extension hearing on August 8th of 2016, Gaetani requested and was granted a one-year extension of the order.

Bonfilio’s letter, which can be found in it’s entirety below, was not read aloud in the January hearing.

In the letter, Bonfilio details his experience with Gaetani, including what he calls “false pregnancy claims”, similar to those of Kearney, who says Gaetani lied to him and told him she was pregnant with his child.

“She frequently deceived me with false pregnancy claims, using altered ultrasound images and other means to falsely convince me I was the father, thereby manipulating my actions and decisions” states Bonfilio.

Kearney himself testified in the hearing that Gaetani sent him photos of pregnancy tests as well as photos of an abortion clinic where Gaetani was supposedly having a procedure. Kearney insists that Metadata confirms that the photos were taken before he and Gaetani were ever in a relationship.

According to Attorney Bradl, Bonfilio reached out to Kearney’s defense team and was not solicited by Kearney. Bonfilio says he and Kearney’s situation are “eerily similar.”

Bonfilio shared his reasoning for reaching out and providing a statement to the court.

“If I can, I’d like to prevent this from happening to others moving forward.”


  1. LuvANurse

    January 22, 2024 at 8:50 pm

    Why wasn’t this read to Aunty Bev in the court room? It’s obvious that this is her ongoing tactics . There is no reason for Turtle Boy to be serving ANY time for these fabricated stories from a lunatic!

  2. Eric Neal

    January 22, 2024 at 9:46 pm

    Bonfilio’s history should probably be looked into. It’s pretty shocking. Clearly Turtleboy or The Fall River Report won’t mention it.

    • C'mon Guys

      January 24, 2024 at 12:43 pm

      Isn’t Bonfilo a convicted murderer?

      • Lil E

        June 24, 2024 at 3:18 pm

        Yes. he killed my father in a bar fight outside the Corrib.

  3. Get it together

    January 22, 2024 at 10:23 pm

    Fall River Reporter is shilling hard for professional con artist and witness intimidator Turtleturd. What gives, guys? Turtleboy isn’t remotely journalism, and sorry to say, neither is the FR Reporter.

    • Coastal*Consignment

      January 23, 2024 at 9:47 pm

      Not really. The author of this story was put on blast by Turtleboy after a post she made calling teachers ‘greedy f***s’ was re-posted when she attempted to run for school board.

    • Francis Akeley

      January 26, 2024 at 4:39 pm

      TB by self description is an entertainer, activist and by awards received, yes an independent journalist. I’d add investigative to the journalist as well as patriot and truth finder to the description. He has been a target of the corrupt and predicted he would be charged and be locked up in an attempt to silence him.

      Without TB’s work, the nation and world would not even know about the injustice and corruption that is going on. Locally, it has been going on for a long time. Facts that have been found, uncovered and shared by TB will determine the truth in the Karen Read case and the ongoing federal case against state and local agencies involved.

      TB provides factual information that the mainstream media chooses to ignore for political or other biased reasons. Facts and details matter. Welcome to the new revolution.

    • MDrat

      January 27, 2024 at 4:26 pm

      And who the f are you

  4. Gordon Shumway

    January 22, 2024 at 11:20 pm

    Ironically, in the past someone having their life ruined by a ratchet like her might reach out to Turtleboy News for help.

  5. Stanley C. Krupp

    January 24, 2024 at 12:46 pm

    Fall River Reporter why are you promoting this con artist Turtleboy? If you watch his youtube vids for 5 minutes you’ll see that he is constantly incriminating himself with witness intimidation. I can’t see how he can possibly beat these charges, it’s insane.

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