
ERO Boston arrests Ecuadorian national in Fall River previously charged in Somerset with assault to murder



BOSTON – Enforcement and Removal Operations Boston apprehended an unlawfully present 30-year-old Ecuadorian national charged in Massachusetts with assault to murder and assault and battery with a weapon. Deportation officers from ERO Boston arrested Daniel Parra in Fall River.

“Daniel Parra has not only shown a blatant disregard for U.S. immigration laws, he allegedly assaulted and seriously injured one of our Massachusetts residents with a knife,” said ERO Boston Field Office Director Todd M. Lyons. “Parra’s presence in our community poses a threat to our residents, and we cannot allow that. ERO Boston will continue to prioritize public safety by removing egregious noncitizen offenders from New England.”

Parra unlawfully entered the United States at an unknown location, on an unknown date, and without being inspected, admitted, or paroled by a U.S. immigration official.

The Somerset, Massachusetts, Police Department arrested Parra April 16, 2018, and charged him with assault to murder – armed – knife, assault and battery – dangerous weapon, serious bodily injury, and assault and battery after allegedly stabbing a friend after a day of drinking. Massachusetts state authorities released Parra before ERO Boston could take custody of him.

Deportation officers from ERO Boston’s Providence, Rhode Island field office arrested Parra May 30, 2018, in Fall River, Massachusetts.

ERO Boston issued Parra a notice to appear before a Department of Justice immigration judge June 2, 2018.

The DOJ immigration judge ordered Parra removed from the United States to Ecuador July 18, 2018.

On Aug. 17, 2018, ERO Boston removed Parra from the United States to Ecuador.

Parra unlawfully re-entered the United States on an unknown date, at an unknown location and without being inspected by a U.S. immigration official.

The Massachusetts State Police arrested Parra Dec. 4, 2022, on his original felony arrest warrant for assault to murder – armed – knife, assault and battery – dangerous weapon, serious bodily injury, and assault and battery. Later that day, ERO lodged an immigration detainer against Parra with the Bristol County House of Correction.

The Fall River District Court released Parra from custody Jan. 12, 2023, after he posted bail in the amount of $5,000. According to ERO Boston, the court did not provide them with adequate notice that they were releasing Parra. As a result, ERO Boston could not take custody of Parra at that time.

Deportation officers from ERO Boston arrested Daniel Parra on June 13 in Fall River. They served him with a notice to reinstate a prior removal order. Parra remains in ERO custody.


  1. Gary Dunn

    July 24, 2024 at 9:03 am

    Crazy stuff

  2. Dr David

    July 24, 2024 at 9:57 am

    One Carmela Harris voter deported (maybe …the fed court could stop the removal order) and only 10 million to go

    • Stefan michaud

      July 25, 2024 at 6:52 am

      Non-citizens are unable to vote in federal elections. And if you mean the vice president, you ought to learn how to spell her name.

      • Rhonda Brockman

        July 26, 2024 at 6:07 am

        You clearly do not understand how congressional seats are doled out. People to this day amaze me. You’re going to correct people on their spelling though. This is why this country is doomed.

    • Alfred w cuttle jr

      July 25, 2024 at 12:44 pm


  3. Gary

    July 24, 2024 at 10:44 am

    So very Sad, what our ‘Country and State’ has become under Dems, Obiden, DEI Harris, Healey!
    Three ‘Great Americans’ Middle Class Family’s are Moving!,in my Neighborhood, they have had it with “Massghanistan”! ‘Getting Out Of Dodge!’

    “Number Of Criminals Caught Entering US Illegally Each Month Sets Record: CBP”
    The number of people with criminal convictions caught entering the United States illegally per month so far this fiscal year has risen to a record high, data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) show.

    *How long before the next 9/11??? Before the Election?*
    “8 Suspected Illegal Alien Terrorists Arrested In New York, Philadelphia & LA ”
    For nearly a quarter-century, Americans have been subjected to mass surveillance via the Patriot Act. Yet, while the government violates the privacy rights of Americans with warrantless surveillance, the safety of the country is being undermined by top left-wing officials flooding the open southern border with millions of illegal aliens, some of which are known terrorists and or terrorist-linked.

    I really MISS the Old Days! ‘We no longer go out after 8:00PM’..
    “Once Upon a Long Time Ago”

  4. ?

    July 24, 2024 at 2:07 pm

    Should be looking into the judge who released him on bail. Why would you even give him bail when he was already charged and removed from United states. It time to clean house.

  5. Smarten up DEMS

    July 24, 2024 at 11:56 pm

    All of this has got to stop. No more democrat policies. They stink!

  6. Brian Coppola

    July 25, 2024 at 1:26 am

    It’s time to bring in the big broom and vacuum cleaner and the floor scrubber anddl the mop start really doing some fall/Christmas cleaning and I’d start in the homeless shelters that are being used for homeless migrants. It’s called the housing waitlist version of scared straight. I mean we don’t really know what f’n diseases these illegals are bringing in and yup, I bet they bring with them the little ones because they’re easy to use to sneak in the country and they come in here unvaccinated against measles or polio or whatever this is called a crime that means another PANDEMIC AND LOCKDOWN.

    Ok, the parents of the kids don’t want to get them vaccinated. Hence, cleaning tool-the housing shelter staff sits these immigrants down to read them the riot act about rules of law and that of the shelter. Clean up tool number 2. Ok, politicians and newscasters and weathermen and sportscasters, dress 👗 up in professional clothes such as suits and ties, we need you to help with the cleaning of house. Pick up the litter ones and make sure they do get vaccinated against the viruses including flu and coronavirus and while you have them, cellar up tool 4. The vacuum cleaner which would be police, customs officers and ICE Land the adults go for a ride to jail for a couple hours and get scared the hell out of to do right.Cleaning tool number 5, slap the cuffs on the criminals and throw them into the paddy wagon for a trip to customs who detain them and keep them locked up until they’re transported back home. Then put high voltage electrical barb wire at the southern border and for future deportees, make detention very uncomfortable so that they’ll beg to go back home to Mommy and Daddy, which is their homeland where they came from illegally.

  7. Johnson’s Johnson

    July 27, 2024 at 10:47 am

    This is the result of voting democrats into office. What is the definition of insanity…?

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