
Dartmouth Police rule no crime committed concerning viral social media post



Dartmouth Police have issued a statement concerning a post that has gone viral where a female shopper was frightened by a male shopper.

A female shopper at Shaws in Dartmouth Thursday made the following post to social media.

“GUYS, please PLEASE always pay attention to the people around you. I’m still shaking and I’ve made it home safely thank God, and a BIG thank you to the Shaws employees on Rt. 6 in Dartmouth.

I walked in with Bray sitting in the carriage. Started off in the fruit section and proceeded throughout as normal. This man I first saw as I was grabbing some apples that Bray asked me to grab. Bray noticed him looking at her when I turned around to put the apples in the bag, so she buckled herself in “just in case” as she said.

I then carried on after fruits to the seafood section to grab some shrimp and stuff, he was then yet again directly behind me looking at the chips in the little midway section. Whatever. I carried on figuring maybe he was just walking in like I was. I then turn down the cereal aisle and guess what? He’s there, AGAIN. I look up at him and he walked the other way. And again, next aisle; he wasn’t there at first but was there as I was walking out of it. Now I’m starting to get shaky.

I told bray to hold my hand when I have to grab something out of a cooler or turn around. Few more aisles of him turning with me in them, I get to the sodas and I call Joseph. He was half asleep so I said ‘Sorry I wanted to call you because I have some weird man following me. He has a black earpiece in his ear with no carriage or any items and is on his phone but he won’t stop watching me and Bray.’ We stayed on the phone for a bit, but I let him go back to bed. (He works overnights and is exhausted,)

After the guy overheard me saying something he grabbed a random carriage and walked off. I didn’t see him for a few aisles. I went to the bakery aisle and he got so close I could’ve heard his voice if he had said anything. Again, no carriage. My sister FaceTimed me at that point, I said loudly ‘I’m taking a picture of you seeing as I don’t know why I’m being followed.’ He looked at me and walked off.

I then went and found a manager. From there I had amazing assistance to make sure my daughter and I were safe and made it to our car safely. If this was a coincidence, I doubt it. But either way. I felt extremely uncomfortable as did my daughter. As a mother of 2 girls and a nonverbal child, I am terrified of going out alone with them for this exact reason.

Always buckle your kids in the carriage guys. I honestly haven’t ever before today. But I always will now. This is the most terrifying experience I’ve ever faced since becoming a mother.”

In response to the post, Dartmouth Police made the following statement.

“We’ve received a couple of inquiries today regarding a post that is currently making its way around social media.”

“The post in question is associated with suspicious activity at a Dartmouth grocery store.”

“Upon reviewing the narrative attached to the post, it has been determined that no crime was committed.”

“Also, unless it violates any Massachusetts General Law(s), we are not responsible for what people post on their own individual social media platforms, comments included.”

“As always, we recommend that if someone doesn’t feel safe inside of a store, they should either seek assistance from management or call the police while the activity is occurring.”

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