City of Fall River announces new ways to connect to Make It Here-FR app

According to the City of Fall River, you now have several ways to connect to the Make It Here – FR which is online services that connect residents, businesses and visitors with a representative who is ready to help you with requests with non-emergency City services, information and report problems.
Download the App “Make It Here FR”
To download the app to your mobile devices via the Apple Store or the Google Play Store by searching “Make It Here – Fall River”
Mobile App
You can quickly and accurately submit a service request using the Make it Here FR mobile App via your smartphone and tablet devices. Whether it is to report a pothole, a streetlight issue or a pathway concern, Make it Here FR is your on-the-go connection to City services.
Using your smartphone’s GPS, the App identifies the location of the issue on an interactive map. You can also search and select the appropriate service request, provide an accurate description of the issue, attach a photo and include your contact information for follow up.
You can directly request a City of Fall River service online by visiting our website,
Whether you want to report a missed waste pickup, request a pothole repair, or other services available at your convenience. With Make it Here – FR, you can do a basic keyword search for many City services, or browse services by type from the pull-down menu.
Dial 3-1-1 (within Fall River city limits only) from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday – Friday; Closed weekends & Holidays. Most government, business, and cellular have been connected with 311. However, if you are calling from outside the City of Fall River or if you’re cellular carrier will not connect you to 311.
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