Last night, the Fall River City Council passed an ordinance that will allow the City of Fall River to fine and then remove the homeless for...
We received the following letter from a resident of Fall River: I’m a resident on Lisbon Street here in the city, and I’ve been trying so...
This is part three of a three-part series covering the migrant crisis in the south coast of Massachusetts. At the time of this reporting, veterans in...
This is part two of a three-part series covering the migrant crisis in the south coast of Massachusetts. At the time of this reporting, veterans in...
This is an opinion letter that was submitted to Fall River Reporter. Vote Early or Vote on September 3rd To Re-Elect Bernard J. McDonald IIIRegister of...
This is an opinion piece written by current Bristol County Sheriff Paul Heroux. “I think it is time for Biden to step aside. “In this election,...
Earlier this year, Fall River’s homeless drop in center the Timao Center closed its doors due to the lack of contiued funding. The center not only...
This is a letter that was submitted to Fall River Reporter. “As the Commonwealth grapples with the escalating housing crisis, the MBTA Communities Law, enacted in...
All four Somerset and Fall River State Reps, Alan Silvia, Carole Fiala, Patricia Haddad, and Paul Schmid, voted against an amendment that would give homeless veterans...
In the interest of plain common sense… PLEASE do not allow the mayor to put the Diman funding issue on the upcoming ballot,though I’m confident that...