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Opinion letter: Fall River City Council’s recent ruling to outlaw unapproved camping on public property hurts a vulnerable population far more than it helps



This is an opinion letter that was submitted to Fall River Reporter and was not written by us.

Dear Editor,

Fall River City Council’s recent ruling to outlaw unapproved camping on public property hurts a vulnerable population far more than it helps.

As a social work student, it’s difficult to fathom the crippling effects that outlawing homeless encampments could entail. It is egregious and cruel to see that homeless people could be subjected to having their already difficult living situation uprooted through this potential ordinance.

Some of the major causes of homelessness consist of the inability to afford housing, as well as untreated mental health issues. However, the ordinance is limited in addressing these particular affairs. The distribution of fines is not an adequate solution to addressing the homeless population in Fall River. The application of fines only puts further pressure on those in dire financial situations. When put in a situation like that where people cannot afford to pay them, can lead to criminal charges and even incarceration. More of an emphasis needs to be placed on outreach work within the community, in order to build rapport and relationships with these people. This could be done through implementing more community policing, as well as utilizing social workers and social service agencies. From this, more can be done to advocate for engagement in mental health services, such as outpatient therapy, alongside homeless shelters and sober-living homes when applicable. A focus on the allocation of more affordable housing could also aid many of those who struggle to spare the price of such a highly expensive market.

The homeless population in Fall River deserves better. Make your voice heard by contacting Mayor Paul Coogan, as there is still time before he makes a final decision on the ordinance – considering he has the power to veto. Contact City Council officials to voice your opinion and thoughts on the matter, to discuss the dilemma. Communication is necessary in order to advocate your thoughts and feelings on the matter.

Austin Teixeira

Fall River


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