
Bristol County Sheriff’s Office, Psychiatric Services, debut program to close treatment gap when inmate is released



Photo courtesy of Josh Souza

DARTMOUTH – The Bristol County Sheriff’s Office and Correctional Psychiatric Services are debuting a first-in-the-nation program to close the treatment gap between when an inmate is released and when they receive medical services.

According to the BCSO, by utilizing the Correctional Reentry Clinic, inmates can schedule an appointment to speak with a medical provider within hours of being released. The provider and clinic will provide psychiatric and substance-abuse treatments and connect them with other services.

The first inmate to use the Correctional Reentry Clinic was released a few weeks ago and was able to get a prescription to continue substance abuse medication the next day.

Bristol County Sheriff Thomas Hodgson said this program is especially beneficial to pre-trial inmates, those who are awaiting trial, because it is hard to get a concrete reentry plan for individuals who could only spend a day or two behind bars before being released, and whose dates of release are not known.

“This program will make a big difference in the rehabilitation and continuing of care for our released inmates,” Bristol County Sheriff Thomas M. Hodgson said. “This takes a lot of the anxiety and worries about continuing care away from inmates. An inmate could have their bail reduced and be released a week after intake, and now that inmate will not have to wait to see a doctor and get the services they need to stay on the path to success.”

Individuals finishing sentences in Bristol County receive reentry planning and services, including appointments with doctors and other community service providers to continue care once released. This new clinic will mainly benefit pretrial inmates because with fluctuating release dates, arranging services is challenging.

Released individuals will be given a QR code to scan on their cell phones to set up a telehealth visit with an independent medical provider.

CRC is the brainchild of Dr. Jorge Veliz, president and CEO of CPS, which has been the medical vendor for Bristol County since 2009. CPS provides medical, mental health, and MOUD/MAT services to BCSO inmates and other Sheriff’s Offices in Massachusetts.

“This is designed to provide continuity of care and treatment for released individuals,” Dr. Veliz said. “Within hours of release, they have the ability to schedule a telehealth appointment with an independent medical provider and get their psychiatric and substance use disorder needs met. This is really a virtual bridge between corrections and the community.”

Dr. Veliz said CRC will be debuting at other correctional facilities across the state in the coming months.


  1. Ken Masson

    October 31, 2022 at 10:27 pm

    He’s debuting a program now that he’s has a real challenger with better ideas? He’s doing something he probably should have done a long time ago?

    After 25 years it’s time to go!

    • Jake Perry

      November 1, 2022 at 8:39 am

      “a first-in-the-nation program”…That’s impressive! Sheriff Thomas Hodgson has my vote.

  2. Jake Perry

    November 1, 2022 at 8:38 am

    “a first-in-the-nation program”…That’s impressive! Sheriff Thomas Hodgson has my vote.

  3. SheriffJohnBrown

    November 1, 2022 at 1:03 pm

    Great work Tom Hodgson, a sheriff we can believe in.

  4. Antifa, anti-trumpublican fascist

    November 2, 2022 at 11:07 am

    It’s time for change in Bristol County. But don’t take my word for it… Here are some interesting quotes about Sheriff Hodgson:

    In 1998, Judge Cratsley noted that the conditions at the two facilities violate department of public health regulations under Hodgson.

    In 2003, Mass. Chief of Police Association passed a motion criticizing Sheriff Hodgson for his proposal to send his deputies to police the streets of New Bedford. The Chief of the Association said “This is an elected official grabbing a headline.”

    In 2005, a Standard Times article: Federal jury found that Hodgson violated five correction officers’ 1st Amendment rights when he suspended them for union activities in the year 2000. (I met one of these officials when knocking on doors this past summer).

    In 2008, the United States Department of Defense investigated Hodgson for swearing in of 13 military recruiters as auxiliary deputy sheriffs.

    In 2008, At trial in Davignon v. Sheriff of Bristol County, Hodgson asserted that different rules applied to him as Sheriff.

    In 2008, U.S. Court of Appeals the judge said “Hodgson’s own actions and patterns if enforcement further undermine his claim of legitimate motives.”

    In 2009, County Treasurer Kevin J. Finnerty said “Mr. Hodgson’s own legal fees all paid by the county and the state have so far well exceeded $500,000.”

    In 2009, Judge Cratsley “The defendant Hodgson is liable in his official capacity for violating the plaintiff’s right under the due process clause.”

    In 2010, Judge Ireland of the SJC “by imposing the remaining challenged fees the sheriff acted in excess of his authority and contrary to the intent of the legislature.”

    In 2010, the Office of State Auditor found that “Hodgson had failed to properly account for $1.5 million of inventory”

    In 2018, United States Attorney Andrew Lelling said the following that contradicted Hodgson’s assertions that gangs are terrorizing communities throughout Massachusetts. “MS-13 has all but been eradicated in the greater Boston area.”

    In 2019, a spokeswoman for St. Luke’s Hospital debunking Hodgson’s exaggerated claim of overdoses being treated at the hospital was quoted as saying “Hodgson’s numbers are inflated by about seven times.”

    In 2020, WBUR reported that 31 people died in custody of Hodgson over the past decade, and more than any other jail in the state.

    In 2020, Federal Judge Young “Hodgson likely violated the constitutional rights of ICE detainees.”

    In 2020, a Massachusetts Senate Investigative Committee that Hodgson broke a Massachusetts’ Law when a State Senator was denied access to his facility.

    In 2020, Judge Young “Sheriff likely displayed deliberate indifference to a substantial risk of serious harm”

    In 2020, in a letter to the Standard Times, the Southcoast Faith Leaders, in response to Hodgson’s snitching on their church wrote “We are outraged that Sheriff Hodgson implies that his Parish, and perhaps other places of worship are engaged in seditious behavior.”

    In 2018, Hodgson and Arpaio both have ties to the Constitutional Sheriffs’ movement, a collection of some 209 law enforcement officials who make the bold claim that Sheriff’s, not the federal government, have final say on constitutional matters in their counties. Boston Globe 7/11/2018

    In 2020, “A defiant Thomas Hodgson is warning Beacon Hill lawmakers he will ignore any legislation crafted to keep his deputies away from polling places…”, “No legislator is going to tell me when I can and cannot respond to someone who needs protection.” 9/20/2020 Boston Herald

    Please share.

    • MortisMaximus

      November 2, 2022 at 5:23 pm

      Thanks Tom Hodgson for triggering the fascist lefties in Bristol County. You know your winning when all the trolls are hammering the comment boards. We don’t need or want bleeding heart liberals in charge of dealing with the criminal element. Lock up the liberal fascists and throw away the keys. God has blessed us with Tom “hardtime” Hodgson a great acolyte of the Maga King Donald Trump.

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