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Brayton Point project in Somerset leads to shouting match at Zoning Board of Appeals meeting



Tensions may have come to a head on Thursday in Somerset during a Zoning Board of Appeals meeting between board members and a group concerned about Prysmian Group’s subsea transmission cable manufacturing plant that could be headed to Brayton Point.

A petition was challenging the Zoning Board’s use of a municipal certificate that Prysmian’s proposed plant fits within current zoning rules for the property.

When the board shot down the complaint saying proper procedure wasn’t followed, it drew the ire of the project’s opponents which led to a shouting match.

Board member Jim Pimental got into a heated back and forth with resident Jeff Kardel. At one point, Pimental accused Kardel of being “all mouth” with a challenge to “step outside”.

Some residents are concerned over possible diesel ships docking at Brayton Point and polluting the air of neighbors while others want the hundreds of new jobs and millions in tax revenue the project is expected to bring regardless.

Fall River is seen as a possible destination for the project if Somerset bows out as Prysmian has indicated it may walk away if total electrification of the ships is mandated.



  1. Bcastro

    October 21, 2023 at 12:36 pm

    Electric ships only? Boy, has Somerset gone woke . chasing tax $$$$ away trying to be “green”. Somerset is going to need all the $$$ it can get just to cover the illegals being housed in town.

  2. Derek

    October 22, 2023 at 6:04 am

    I hate to say you’re right but… you’re right. They keep saying something needs to break because they can’t handle the fiscal load of all the immigrants. Stop shooting down money because it doesn’t fit some weird narrative. This NIMBY stuff is going to kill what’s left of the town I grew up in.

  3. Donald

    October 22, 2023 at 9:39 am

    Jimmy needs a smack!

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