Beacon Hill overrides Baker’s veto on immigrant driver’s licenses; pass $350 million local road and bridge funding bill

Katie Lannan
Driver’s license eligibility will be expanded in Massachusetts, after the state Senate on Thursday completed the override of Gov. Charlie Baker’s veto of a bill allowing immigrants without legal status to apply for and obtain standard driver’s licenses if they provide certain documents proving their identity, Massachusetts residency and date of birth.
Thirty-two of the 40 senators voted to pass the measure into law over Baker’s objections. Senators on Thursday also passed a $350 million local road and bridge funding bill that the House approved in March.
The bill (H 4638) features $200 million in annual Chapter 90 funding for municipalities to fix their roads and bridges, with $150 million in other grants for municipal transportation projects.
A compromise voting-reform package — which permanently codifies mail-in and expanded early voting options adopted during the pandemic and moves the voter registration deadline to 10 days before an election, from its current 20 — will now go to the House after the Senate approved it on a party line 37-3 vote. That vote came after Minority Leader Bruce Tarr raised concerns that the mail-in voting provisions run counter to the state’s Constitution and offered an order seeking an opinion from the Supreme Judicial Court on the bill’s constitutionality. Election Laws Committee Chair Sen. Barry Finegold said he’s confident the bill is constitutional, and the order was sent to the Rules Committee for review.
June 10, 2022 at 10:46 am
The demonrat voter base is about to explode.
Ken Masson
June 10, 2022 at 3:34 pm
Only because you fear it will it won’t. A smart world is based on evidence not fear. Everything you’re against you fear with no evidence. Next you’re going to say Trump won the election with zero evidence. That’s why they lost every court case but it’s a giant conspiracy that everybody’s a part of.
Anything else from the lunatic extreme fascist right?
My reality is we’ll all be safer when everybody has licenses and insurance.
June 10, 2022 at 6:42 pm
Why did Baker veto this idiotic bill you lying moron? Because it doesn’t account for automatic voter registration from the RMV when obtaining a driver’s license. Your demonrat party can’t win on their record so they are in a state of constant falsehood. Stop acting like Massachusetts is so great because it’s politicos are chasing hard working families out with ridiculous overbearingly expensive policy. You don’t speak for anyone but your daddy Lucifer and your voice is dying more everyday. You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time. Have a great day Ken Moronic!
Ken Masson
June 12, 2022 at 12:02 pm
The above is the reason why you don’t use your real name. You don’t want your friends and family knowing you’re a total lunatic. I’m sure most people that read your rantings and possibly even follow extreme right wing propaganda links think the same.
Now you’ll be triggered again and you’ll have to reply twice only proving what I say. Seek help.
June 12, 2022 at 2:47 pm
Kiss my ass loser! Such great arguments you put forth concerning the liberal progressive destruction of the American people and our living standards. Your arrogance will be your downfall. The tide is turning against the globalist cabal bent on America’s destruction, you seem to believe that you are part of this psychotic group. You won’t even be eating the crumbs from their tables. Why don’t you side with hard working Americans? Your socialist leaders preach that they are for the people while they dismantle the infrastructure that gives us lives with comfort. Meanwhile these creatures live lives of total excess, as shown by their private jet travel and immunity for all their crimes. Soon many of these absolute heathens won’t even be able to walk down the street. Remember you live amongst the lands of the coastal elite, who are by all measures but a mere minority of the American Citizenry. A wakeup call is ahead in November 2022. In 2024 America will be back in the hands of the PEOPLE, and I hope justice will be administered to all traitors found guilty of betraying the U.S. Constitution! Better change your ways Mr. Evil Ken Messianic. You are but merely a man, better turn to God.Stupid ASS.
June 10, 2022 at 6:30 pm
I fear no man or no plan. I’m not a 62 year old loser like you.