Baker-Polito Administration announces winter storm preparations, directs non-emergency state employees not to report to work

BOSTON – Due to the upcoming winter storm, the Baker-Polito Administration has directed all non-emergency state employees working in Executive Branch agencies not to report to their workplaces tomorrow, Friday, January 7, 2022. The Administration is urging residents to stay off roadways and to use public transportation when possible as the storm moves across the Commonwealth beginning late tonight and through tomorrow.
Registry of Motor Vehicles employees will be contacted by their supervisor to determine their assignments and schedules for the day. The RMV will post further updates about individual Customer Service Center openings, closings and road test cancellations or delays and hours at and contact any customers with impacted appointment cancellations or delays. All other Executive Branch state offices will be closed to the public tomorrow. Employees who have the capacity to telework will be expected to do so in accordance with the Telework Policy.
MassDOT has approximately 3,900 pieces of state and vendor equipment available for snow and ice operations which includes over 1,400 plow and spreader combos, 2,100 plows, and 460 front-end loaders. MassDOT expects to deploy approximately 2,500 pieces of equipment for this storm.
“Our Administration is closely monitoring this storm and we want everyone to stay off the roads and to take public transit if possible tomorrow,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “In addition, we urge employers to be flexible with workers and plan for difficult conditions on the roads tomorrow. Crews will be out treating roadways and plowing around the clock, and we ask everyone to give them the room they need to clear the roads.”
Also, only emergency staff are reporting to work at the Bristol County Sheriff’s Office.
January 6, 2022 at 4:38 pm
How pathetic the nanny state has become. Leaving workers at home with pay because of a little snow. Shut the government down permanently it would save us a cool 40 billion in MA. alone.