
Angels Anonymous provides Thanksgiving meals to 320 Fall River families over the weekend



By Jess Machado

American shoppers have felt the pinch at grocery stores for months as food prices continue to rise. So what does that mean for local families as they prepare for the Thanksgiving holiday later this week?

The average cost of a Thanksgiving dinner is down this year over last, but your turkey and fixins will still cost you about 25% more this year than in 2019 before the Covid-19 pandemic. The American Farm Bureau Federation has released its 38th annual findings and the number may surprise you. A ten person meal will cost an average of $61.17, or about $6.12 per person. And while the price point seems low, struggling families in Fall River may need help to celebrate the holiday this year. Thankfully, there is a local organization that can help get a meal on the table for those in need.

Angels Anonymous had a busy weekend, serving over 320 households at their Thanksgiving pantry and they are back at it again today, opening up a second pop-up pantry from 5 -7 PM at their 231 Weaver Street location. While the number of turkeys is limited, according to president and executive director Melissa Dawson, there will be plenty of other meat options and sides to ensure no one goes home empty handed.

Angel Anonymous started in 2015 and opened their food pantry program in 2018. Dawson said their pantry serves about 300 families a month with the help of dedicated volunteers.

“It definitely take a village to do this kind of work and reach as many people in need as we do,” said Dawson.

For those who wish to participate in today’s Thanksgiving pop-up, Angels Anonymous is located at 231 Weaver Street in Fall River, Ma. 02720.

If patrons are traveling in same car with a separate household they may be asked to show proof of different residence. They allow walkers in the drive-thru line but please use caution around vehicles.

Angels Anonymous also offers a food pantry twice a month/every month all year long. People can access information about our events on our Facebook page or website We also take donations through our Venmo (Angels-Anonymous) or through PayPal: ( or through standard mail, if people want to get involved and help continue our work and mission!

Additional programs, including those on Thanksgiving day can be found here.

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