
Accused Massachusetts child rapist released on $500 bail, Fall River man accused of slicing tires gets $1,000 bail



While an accused child rapist in Massachusetts illegally was set free on a $500 bond, a Fall River man sits in prison on a $1,000 bond for allegedly slicing tires.

Earlier this year, Rockland Police officers arrested unlawfully present 26-year-old Haitian Cory Bernard Alvarez for aggravated rape of a child in a Rockland migrant shelter.

Not only did Plymouth County Superior Court of Brockton refuse to honor ICE Boston’s immigration detainer, they released Alvarez from custody on a $500 bond. The court also refused to to share Alvarez’s location with ICE even though he was wearing an ankle bracelet. Many cities in Massachusetts are “sanctuary cities” and it’s very common for the judicial system throughout Massachusetts to refuse to cooperate with ICE, even when it comes to accused children rapists in the country illegal.

Yesterday after a dispute over pay, a Fall River man was arrested after allegedly pushing a man and slicing the tires of a parked car.

Dorvil now sits in the Bristol County House of Correction in Dartmouth after not being able to post a $1,000 cash bail. An American who sliced the tires of a car after pushing someone received twice the bail as a person in the country illegally who allegedly raped a child in a migrant center. How does that make sense?

Bail is set not as punishment, but to ensure the accused show up to court. Massachusetts legislators passed bail laws that allow judges to take into account the accused ability to pay. This allows what you see today, judges setting bail for accused child rapists at $500 while setting $1,000 bail for someone who pushes someone and slices their tires.

The Alvarez case is not an isolated case of men in Massachusetts here illegally in the country, considered a high flight risk, getting low bail. On July 18, Brockton Police arrested 43-year-old Ecuadorian national Edgar Gustavo Pinos Vasquez and charged him with kidnapping, rape, domestic violence, and assault and battery with a dangerous weapon. ICE officers in Boston lodged an immigration detainer against Pinos with the Plymouth County Correctional Facility the next day on July 19. Later that day, a Plymouth County Correctional Facility duty officer informed the ICE officers that Pinos had posted bail. Deportation officers responded to the call and arrested Pinos at the Plymouth County Correctional Facility before he could leave the facility because he was unlawfully in the country. If it wasn’t for ICE, a man accused of kidnapping and rape would be back on the streets of Brockton, likely planning his escape back to Ecuador, his home country that refuses extradition of accused criminals. Ecuador has a constitutional prohibition against the extradition of its citizens.

Many judges in Massachusetts have become activists.  In April 2018, Newton District Court Judge Shelley Joseph assisted a man who was living in the United States illegally flee the courthouse as an ICE agent waited in the lobby. The agent had come to the courthouse to detain the immigrant. In Massachusetts not only do we have judges releasing accused child rapist on $500 bond and not cooperating with ICE, but actively helping them evade federal prosecution.

Another major problem is none of your traditional media in Massachusetts are covering these cases so most people do not know what is going on. Google these names and see for yourself – we are the only ones with any readership covering these cases. Massachusetts legislators also passed criminal justice reform that has laid the foundation for low bail of violent criminals and many mayors and city councils have passed sanctuary city policies that benefit some of the worst people.


  1. Fed Up

    August 16, 2024 at 11:22 am

    I’m pretty sure I pointed this out in the last story.

  2. Gary

    August 16, 2024 at 6:50 pm

    My confidence level is High, the State’s ‘Financial Overlords’, Bond Market, Wall Street, Vanguard, Black Rock, may have already giving the ‘States Sec. Of Admin & Finance’ a reality check? The State cannot keep funding, “Biden/Harris/Healey/DEMS/, “Open Borders Folks” at this present level.

    “Massachusetts Set For ‘Record Number Of Deportations’ Despite Sanctuary State Status”

    “MA., The wealthy sanctuary state that’s going broke under its $1.8 billion migrant ‘time bomb'”

    Plus the ‘Very Hard Working MA Taxpayers Working In The Salt Mines’ Can Only Afford So Much, In This ‘Awful Economy!’ “65% living Pay-Check to Pay-Check!”

  3. Rivaraised

    August 17, 2024 at 7:20 pm

    This system is so broke I was a drug addict with no violence on my record and never got bail I was over sentenced it’s absurd the s*** that goes on

  4. Johnson’s Johnson

    August 18, 2024 at 3:31 am

    Massachusetts is a liberal s***hole. Activist judges & DA’s are ruining the state

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