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You don’t need to travel to Boston for New Year’s Eve as Middleborough holding first free noise parade, bonfire and fireworks



MIDDLEBOROUGH — Town Manager James McGrail is pleased to share details of the Town of Middleborough’s upcoming New Year’s Eve Celebration to ring in 2025.

The inaugural Celebrate Middleborough event will be held from 5-8 p.m., Tuesday, Dec. 31, at the Peirce Playground at 26 Jackson St weather permitting.

A noise parade, bonfire and fireworks have been planned for Celebrate Middleborough, which will be free and open to the public. 

The fireworks have been sponsored by REXA and Rockland Trust Bank. Refreshments will be provided by Main Ingredient and the Italian Gem Café.

The noise parade starts at the Peirce Playground entrance on the corner of Jackson and Lincoln streets, at 6 p.m., followed by fireworks at 7 p.m. Middleborough Police will escort the parade marchers. The Middleborough High School and Middle School bands will also be joining in the fun.

The noise parade will proceed down Jackson Street toward the library, turn right onto North Main Street, then right into the second driveway at the Memorial Early Childhood Center (MECC) and around the back of the school toward the Peirce Playground.

The Friends of the Middleborough Public Library will sell noisemakers before the parade at the Peirce Playground for $1 each (cash only).

Middleborough Fire Department personnel will also be on-site for the event.

“I would like to thank all of the sponsors of this year’s Celebrate Middleborough New Year’s Eve bash,” Town Manager McGrail said. “I look forward to this event becoming a longstanding town tradition. I can’t wait to see everyone at Peirce Playground to get the party started.”


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