Walmart, Sam’s Club, instituting policy to require workers to wear face masks, requesting customers to wear face covering

Walmart is updating their policy concerning COVID-19.
According to a statement, Walmart will begin requiring that associates wear masks or other face coverings at work. This includes our stores, clubs, distribution and fulfillment centers, as well as corporate offices. The company is also encouraging customers and members to wear face coverings when they shop in their stores.
“We have evolved our policy on face coverings from optional to mandatory as public health guidance has shifted. The CDC now recommends wearing face coverings in public settings, including grocery stores, to help curb the spread of the virus. Although most state and local governments do not mandate the use of face coverings in public settings, the CDC has reported that recent studies show a significant portion of individuals with the virus lack symptoms and can transmit the virus. With this knowledge, we believe it is simply in everyone’s best interest to use masks or face coverings to curb the spread of this disease.”
The policy begins on Monday.
Workers will be required to either provide their own mask/covering as long as it meets certain guidelines, or have the company provide one.
“We hope this step will promote safety and consistency across all of our facilities and be of comfort to our customers and members. However, it’s important to remember that face coverings are simply an additional health precaution. They do not guarantee against the spread of this virus, and they do not replace the most important steps you can take to keep yourself and others safe: 6-20-100. Whether at work or elsewhere, practice six feet of social distancing whenever possible. Regularly wash your hands with soap for 20 seconds. And if you have a temperature of 100 degrees or higher, stay home.”
Walmart also announced that they are extending the emergency leave policy through the end of May.
Mikey Morty
April 18, 2020 at 4:14 pm
Wear a mask at WalMart! All the products in their stores are from China. WakMart has always called the chinese their partners. I will never set foot in any of their stores again, nor should anyone who wants to remain safe and healthy…