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Walmart hiring 150,000 amid coronavirus crunch; some jobs to be permanent



Not every business is hurting due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to a statement, Walmart is hiring 150,000 new associates through the end of May to work in stores, clubs, distribution centers and fulfillment centers due to the current shopping climate. These roles will be temporary at first, according to the company, but many will convert to permanent roles over time. Walmart states that they have reached out to industry groups representing restaurants and hospitality to facilitate temporary roles that can be a bridge for their employees.

Walmart is also implementing a new process to dramatically expedite hiring for key roles, such as cashiers and stockers. What is usually a two-week application cycle will be reduced to a 24-hour process. Anyone interested in applying should do so at

“We know millions of Americans who are usually employed at this time are temporarily out of work, and at the same time we’re currently seeing strong demand in our stores,” said McMillon. “We’re looking for people who see Walmart as a chance to earn some extra money and perform a vital service to their community.”

About Walmart



  1. Mikey Morty

    March 21, 2020 at 9:20 pm

    Wal-mart to the rescue! After decades of sourcing all the junk they sell from our #1 enemy; china, to the rescue they come!
    This company has partnered with the communist party and has invested trillions in china. Walmart must choose to either lose all this investment and leave china or turn their backs towards America. Everyone choose your side!

  2. SocialCrusticeCrusader

    April 15, 2020 at 11:43 am

    Morty; you hit it on the head. Walmart is partnered with the satanic chinese.

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