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Two juveniles arrested in Fall River armed robbery



Fall River Police have arrested two teenagers in an armed robbery Wednesday.

According to Detective John Robinson, at approximately 3:45 p.m., Officers of the Fall River Police Department were dispatched to Bay Coast Bank 81 Troy Street in response to an armed robbery complaint. Officer Aaron Souza was informed that a young female approximately 5’6” wearing a dark blue sweater with Patriot symbols all over it and black leggings, entered the bank and slid a note demanding money or she would blow everything up and kill everybody. The female held her two hands tightly as if she was concealing something. The female obtained an undetermined amount of U.S. currency and fled on foot towards Troy Street. A description of the suspect was broadcast.

Detectives Beaulieu, Dwaine Cabeceiras, John McDonald, Jeffrey Autote, and Lt. Jay Huard from the Major Crimes Division arrived and began to canvass the area. During that canvass, they located several cameras. From the multiple cameras, they were able to piece together the suspect’s path. The suspect left the bank; crossed Troy Street, and moments later walked back across Troy Street towards the bank and entered a dark-colored Toyota Camry with another female. Detectives were also able to obtain a Massachusetts registration number for that Camry from a different camera which took them to a Mulberry Street home.

Robinson stated that upon arrival at the Mulberry Street residence, Detectives observed several people in the first-floor windows moving around. They also located a black 2018 Toyota Camry with the same Massachusetts registration in the rear yard. Upon knocking, no one would open the door. The door was then forced open. While police were speaking with the residents, a female walked through the hallway of the apartment. Detective Cabeceiras recognized her as the female who had entered the vehicle with the robbery suspect. The female, age 15, was now wearing the Patriots sweater.

Detectives learned that there was an apartment in the basement and made their way downstairs. While in the basement, a female emerged from the bathroom wearing black leggings similar to those of the robbery suspect. That female, age 14, was identified as the robbery suspect. Both females were taken into custody and charged with Armed Robbery.

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