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Two Fall River men allegedly involved in following and shooting at driver



Photo courtesy of Fall River Police

Fall River Police arrested a city man, and are looking for another, after a driver was shot at.

According to Captain Daniel Dube, on July, 2nd at approximately 12:00 p.m., patrol units responded to the area of Stafford Road and Bright Street regarding gun shots.

Upon arrival by FRPD, the victim stated he was driving on Stafford Road and observed a vehicle following him. As the victim continued to drive he heard the rear window of his vehicle shatter. The victim thought the damage was due to a rock. It was later learned that multiple gun shots had been fired at the vehicle. The suspect vehicle then fled the scene.

A follow-up investigation by the Major Crimes Division identified the suspects as 38-year-old David Stuart of Maple Gardens and Marcus Howard, 29, of Osborn Street.

Warrants were requested and issued for both men.

On July 5th, David Stuart was arrested and charged with Assault to murder, firearm-armed, Possession of a firearm/ felony, Carrying a loaded firearm without a license, Firearm violation with 3 prior violent or drug related convictions, Carrying a firearm without a license 2nd offense, and Discharging a firearm within 500 ft. of a dwelling.

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