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Two customers at Westport market walk out with Jon Bon Jovi, well, kind of



Photo courtesy of Lees Market

Here is a crime you don’t see much of.

Lees Market at 796 Main Road in Westport has been carrying Hampton Water Rosé created by father and son duo, Jesse and Jon Bon Jovi. The wine is so popular at Lees that last month Jon himself created a video thanking Lees for being such a big supporter of the drink.

Apparently, it isn’t just the drink that has become popular at Lees.

As part of the advertisement for the rosé was a life-sized cutout of Jesse and Jon. I say was because two customers wanted the display so much, they walked out of the store with it and threw it into their convertible.

Lees shared their humorous take on the theft.

“Jon and Jesse Bon Jovi got to spend all summer with us in Westport, but apparently, they took off with some admirers… though we wanted to “never say goodbye”.

“That’s right, they went down in a “blaze of glory”, right out the door, but “who says you can’t go home”, so we would love them for them to come back… “dead or alive”… (Okay, we’re done 😂).

“Seriously though, Jon and Jesse took off with these two unannounced and we just wish they’d come back since we miss them.

“If you didn’t see it when we posted a while ago, Jon himself was actually kind enough to make us a video for carrying he and Jesse’s wine, Hampton Water (which is what this was for).

“***EDIT*** Just to make things clear, we’re not looking for anyone to be “caught”. While we take any theft seriously, we’re just making light of a HIGHLY unusual situation and, perhaps, they will consider bringing it back. That’s all!”

I would love to be a fly on the wall when the woman tries to explain to company how a cutout of Jon Bon Jovi ended up in her living room.


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