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Trump Campaign announces former Bristol County Sheriff Hodgson as Massachusetts Campaign Chairman



Photo courtesy of Bristol County Sheriff's Office

Bedminster, NJ — The Donald Trump Campaign has announced that former Bristol County Sheriff Thomas Hodgson will once again serve as Chairman of his campaign in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

“Like most Americans, I want a President who creates real benefits and solutions for our families, neighborhoods, and our nation,” Hodgson said. “President Trump has a proven record of strengthening our economy, securing our borders, prioritizing public safety, and improving our national standing throughout the world. As the Massachusetts Chairman, I will work tirelessly with our citizens to elect President Donald J. Trump so that he can Make America Great Again.”

Hodgson met Trump while he was president on multiple occasions including presenting him with a custom-made plaque made in Swansea featuring a badge and the inscription “There’s a new Sheriff in town”.

Hodgson has previously described Trump as “an affable person” who listens to people most impacted by illegal immigration.

“He’s a very kind and nice person. He’s a sensitive person,” said Hodgson. “People did not elect the president based on his personality or his style.”



  1. Antifrma

    August 19, 2023 at 8:08 am

    I guess Tom has the time to do this now that there’s a new sheriff in town.

  2. Ken Masson

    August 19, 2023 at 1:17 pm

    Donald Trump will be the gift that keeps on giving to the Democratic party. Go ahead Republicans nominate him. If you didn’t notice what happened the last TWO elections then you all get what you deserve. And no except for your extremist Kellyanne Conway alternative facts websites there’s never been any, absolutely zero evidence brought into federal courts many presided over by Trump appointees of any election meddling. It’s just a minority of poor sports that don’t like losing. The whole country would prefer to have two real choices for president but the modern day radicalized fascist Trumpublicans CULT can’t see the writing on the wall because they’re ignorant to reality. That’s what’s happens when you’re part of a CULT, a fascist CULT. Oh and young people who believe they’re getting handed a destroyed environment, extreme levels of gun violence and don’t like having their personal freedoms taking away from them like their right to choose are voting in record numbers. Who do you think they vote for? And then there’s all those woman that are pissed off because they lost their right to choose. You think they’re going to vote for Republicans? I got a bridge to sell you! Go ahead nominate Trump He’s the gift that’ll keep on giving to the Democrats!!!!

    91 indictments and counting and most of those are talking indictments with Trump actually doing the talking incriminating himself. Do you really believe America’s going to vote for that? Get a clue Trumpblicans!

    PS, if you don’t post with your real name you have no credibility because you could be just a Russian troll, don’t actually feel strongly about your opinions or afraid of what people are going to think about you.

    And hey a MAGAt Republican ran for governor instead of extremely bipartisanely popular Charlie Baker and now we have Mara Healy. Good job Republicans!!!!

    • 129%Hyperbole

      August 19, 2023 at 6:25 pm

      Rantings of a maniac!

      • Ken Masson

        August 20, 2023 at 10:19 am

        Trump, he definitely could be described as a maniac! Also a clown, chronic liar, insurrectionist, narcissist, authoritarian, womanizer, fascist, and felon. That definitely describes a maniac!!!!

        And then with all the evidence right in front of them is the cult that will support him no matter what. A cult that’s too stupid to realize that they’re a fascist cult that march in lockstep right to the end with this maniac. Amazing how similar trumpism is too Hitler’s Nazism. Luckily the majority will never get suckered like the Germans did.

      • Albert

        August 20, 2023 at 1:24 pm

        Trump is the second coming of Christ, he shall be crucified, or gassed, Hitler style.

  3. Howie

    August 19, 2023 at 11:25 pm

    Can you believe it? Hodgson is one ideological piece of shhhwork!

  4. Albert

    August 20, 2023 at 1:21 pm

    Trump knows how to pick losers.

  5. Albert

    August 20, 2023 at 1:30 pm

    The only reason that Tommy Boy lost to that Libtard is the suitcase full of phony “mail in” ballots counted in the wee hours.

  6. Albert

    August 20, 2023 at 1:33 pm

    Tommy Boy did such a good job in 2020

  7. 2024

    August 20, 2023 at 1:36 pm

    Congratulations sir. You will do a fine job. Looking forward to working with you.

  8. Albert

    August 20, 2023 at 1:45 pm

    What an honnor it is to be appointed by Trump to be his State Campaign Chairman in a state that voted 66% for Biden!
    Was Tom his own Campaign Chairman when he lost as four term incumbent?

    • HuntersCrackPipe

      August 20, 2023 at 6:41 pm

      2020 was stolen for my dad, Pedo Pete!!!
      Got any CRACK?

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