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Town of Canton announces update on Town’s independent audit of the Canton Police Department



CANTON — Police Audit Committee Chair Robert McCarthy is providing the following update on the Town’s independent audit of the Canton Police Department.

The Police Audit Committee received five bids after a Request for Proposal process. The Committee recently unanimously selected 5 Stones Intelligence to complete an independent audit of the Canton Police Department for up to $198,000.

The November 2023 Special Town Meeting authorized $200,000 in funding to contract with an independent consulting firm to complete an administrative, policy, procedures and compliance review of the police department. 

The scope of work includes an audit of Canton Police Department policies and procedures, and adherence to the policies and procedures, including crime scene protocols; professional standards and accountability; organizational structure and governance; citizens’ privacy protections; management, operations, and culture; hiring, training standards, and equipment; citizens’ complaints process; conflicts of interest; Select Board oversight and industry standards; recommendations and compliance review; recommended improvements; evidence review; police detail financial review; additional administrative items to review; civil rights review; and presentation of findings and recommendations.

The Police Audit Committee, which was charged with developing the scope and selecting the successful bidder, is comprised of Chair McCarthy, Vice Chair David Clough, and members Dr. Daniel Muse, Kathleen Howley, and John Kelly.

5 Stones Intelligence has already begun work on the audit and is expected to submit a final report by April 1, 2025.

The Police Audit Committee will reconvene to review the findings when the report is complete and discuss how it will be presented to the public.

Canton residents voted in 2023 to allocate up to $200,000 for the audit.

The audit comes on the heels of public criticism against the department.

Canton officers testified in the first Karen Read trial that plastic Solo cups were used to collect evidence.

PD was also put in the spotlight after a Stoughton police officer was accused of killing a pregnant Sandra Birchmore in her Canton apartment after her death was initially ruled a suicide.


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