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Toniq Ultra-Lounge Nightclub in Fall River robbed Monday



Toniq Ultra-Lounge Nightclub was robbed Monday according to owner Joe Gouveia.

Gouveia issued a statement about the robbery: “Someone broke into my bar. They stole the register with money in it, if anyone hears of anything please let me know. It was a white register. Any help is better than none. We work so hard and people think its okay to break into someone’s business and steal their hard earned money. We need to put these people behind bars. They broke the glass with a rock. Police are doing everything to help and try to get prints from that rock. I hope they can get something. Find me the thief and I will reward you with $500. If you hear anything, please call Fall River Police. Thank you for your support.”

Unfortunately, the cameras were not working at the time. “I had to replace the hard drive on the security system. I came in today to do it, but when I got here it was too late. I was the only one who knew that the cameras were off.”

Gouveia left Toniq at 12:30 a.m. and came in at 4:00 p.m. to see the results of the break-in. He then contacted police.

Contact Fall River Police at (508) 676-8511 with any information.


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