Three previously wearing masks arrested after chase, crash into Plymouth County fire station that knocks out power

Three are facing charges after a crash led to a fire and damage to a fire department station.
According to Detective Lieutenant Michael Skowyra, shortly after 1:00 a.m., Monday, Kingston PD received a call relative to three individuals arriving at the callers home wearing masks and threatening to assault the caller. Further conversation revealed that at least one suspect was possibly known to the caller, and that the suspects may be armed with knives and firearms. The caller reported the suspects left but were headed to a residence on Nottingham Drive in an alleged attempt to assault someone else.
The caller provided a vehicle and suspect descriptions. Officers responded to Nottingham Drive and immediately located a matching vehicle occupied by three individuals in the middle of the roadway in front of the next victim’s residence. The occupants of the vehicle appeared to be attempting to change clothing. An officer attempted a motor vehicle stop at that time and the vehicle fled.
Kingston Police Officers pursued the suspect vehicle. The pursuit lasted approximately 2 minutes, travelling approximately 2 miles, when the suspect vehicle crashed.
The vehicle veered off the side of the roadway on Route 27 striking the Kingston Fire Department Station 1 located at 105 Pembroke Street. The operator of the vehicle fled from the vehicle for a short period of time before returning and being taken into custody. Other occupants of the vehicle were also detained.
The vehicle struck the fire station in such a way that it severely damaged the generator and portions of the building. Power was temporarily lost in the area and powerlines overhead caught fire. The on-duty fire department personnel reported smoke in the building and a structure fire of the Fire Station was assigned, recalling all off-duty personnel and calling for mutual aid. Severe damage was done to various electrical components of the Fire Station. The roadway was closed for some time while the Fire Department and Eversource ensured the area was safe. The Fire Department is now fully operational for calls for service, but various administrative functions may be impacted for several days while repairs are made.
The operator of the vehicle was found to be unlicensed and had stolen the motor vehicle from family. The operator was taken into police custody and was also transported to the hospital for minor injuries sustained in the crash. The operator of the vehicle as well as the two other suspects are all juveniles and therefore their identities were not released. Skowyra anticipates the parties will face various motor vehicle and assault related charges and the investigation remains on-going.
Kingston Police and Fire thanked neighboring agencies for their assistance with the incident. Assisting agencies included Duxbury Fire, Pembroke Fire, Plymouth Fire, Duxbury Police, Pembroke Police, Plymouth County Sheriff’s Office K-9 and BCI.