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Three Columbian citizens residing in New York arrested for alleged crimes in Massachusetts; appear to be connected to International Theft Group



Three people believed to be part of a large-scale theft ring have been arrested for alleged crimes in Massachusetts.

According to police, on Thursday, July 11, Braintree Police Detectives arrested three individuals on various charges in connection with a conspiracy to commit residential burglaries. The suspects appear to be connected to an organized International Theft Group. Also known as South American Theft Groups, these groups are known to use extensive surveillance, GPS technology, surreptitious video feeds, and counter- surveillance to establish patterns of behavior for their prospective victims. 

Detectives were alerted to this conspiracy after the investigation of a residential burglary in the Messina Woods neighborhood occurring on June 20. During that burglary, two suspects fled the victim’s residence after an alarm sounded. The subsequent investigation revealed that the burglars had spent hours inside the empty home, and their methods matched those of other SATGs. Two weeks later, an alert neighbor noticed a camera hidden in the bushes across from the house that was burglarized. The wireless camera was camouflaged with leaves glued to it and was placed in the bushes. It was pointed at the location of the break on June 20th. Through various investigative techniques, detectives believed the camera was present prior to the original break but visited by the suspect after June 20th. Because police believed that another burglary was imminent, a plan of surveillance was developed. 

During the early evening of July 11, detectives noticed a man dressed as a landscaper emerged from the victim’s yard. Detectives watched as he walked a circuitous route back to a parked black Audi SUV bearing Florida plates. They surveilled the vehicle as it travelled out of town. Shortly after 10:30 p.m., detectives on surveillance noticed the same black Audi parked in the same area adjacent to the Messina Woods neighborhood. A man, dressed in all black, wearing a mask, and carrying a black backpack, exited the vehicle and made his way towards the neighborhood. He ducked into a wood line next to Messina Woods and re-appeared in the victim’s yard. Surveillance units watched as he made his way towards the hidden camera and disappeared near the bushes. After about 10 minutes, he reappeared. The detectives made the decision to stop the man. Several units converged on the vehicle that was occupied by two females and they were detained. Other units attempted to stop the man, but he fled, leading to a foot pursuit. After several minutes, patrol officers and detectives were able to take the male suspect into custody despite a significant struggle. 

All three individuals were arrested and arraigned at Quincy District Court.

The male is identified as Carlos Ocampo-Carrillo, 47 years old, with a residential address out of Flushing, New York. He is being charged with A&B on a Police Officer, Resisting Arrest, Carrying a Dangerous Weapon, 2 counts of Conspiracy, Breaking and Entering, Possession of Burglarious Tools. Ocampo-Carrillo refused identification attempts and was held on cash bail. He was later fingerprinted at jail and was found to have criminal histories from California and New York.

Diana Maria Alvarado-Rosano, 34 years old, also with an address in Flushing, is charged with Providing False Information following Arrest, Conspiracy, and Possession of Burglarious Tools. 

Lizbeth HernandezGantiva, 23 years old, with an address out of New York City is charged with Conspiracy, and Possession of Burglarious Tools. 

All three suspects are citizens of Columbia and may face federal immigration charges.

The Braintree Police Department thanked Immigration and Custom Enforcement – Emergency Removal Operations (Boston) for their assistance in this case. 



  1. MortisMaximus

    July 19, 2024 at 4:46 pm

    A Message from Joe Biden: Welcome to America my Criminalien friends. Feel free to bring your cultural practices of Rape, Theft, Murder and overall degradation of modern societal Norms to the streets of America. No worries there will be no accountability for your heinous behaviors, that would be racist!

    • Trump Hater

      July 19, 2024 at 7:47 pm

      Wow, did you make it past third grade? It shows. Get an education and go play with your toys.

      • Clint

        July 21, 2024 at 7:23 am

        Your ignorance of what is going on is showing. It’s not really your fault though. MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC or CNN will continue to keep you in the dark and feed you your daily dose of TDS. WAKE UP before this crap comes to your door step.

    • Maria

      July 20, 2024 at 9:14 am

      Where do you think they learned??? Your movies are full of those things, as well as, the streets ..

    • Pete Ferrari

      July 20, 2024 at 10:15 am

      Couldn’t agree more. This is a direct result when your present administration doesn’t care about the citizens or National Security. These migrants want to make the US a third world country and we are well on our way. We need a change. November can’t come fast enough! This is awful what we are witnessing. Do the people even have the slightest idea of how much blood is on the hands of this administration?

    • Brian Moquin

      July 20, 2024 at 10:20 am

      Welcome one and all from every corner of the planet. We ask only one thing of you.Take everything we give you and enjoy the benefits we offer. Start your gangs and grow them into cartels and sell as much drugs as u can. Rape our woman and children. When your done raping them sell them to the middle east. Rob our businesses and make sure to kill the employees. We don’t want u to waste any of your time. Don’t worry we won’t put u in prison. We invited u here so enjoy it all and thank you for turning a safe beautiful country into a human cesspool.

    • Patricia SUrprenant

      July 26, 2024 at 7:31 pm

      Unfortunately we can all expect the same if Kamala is elected. The supposed Border Czar who did NOTHING to stop illegals from entering.
      Trump will fix it! I am voting for him!

  2. Sandra

    July 19, 2024 at 6:50 pm

    Do you turn off Fox News once in a while?

    • Brian Moquin

      July 20, 2024 at 10:29 am

      Yes I do to watch CNN and the view.I enjoy watching democrats lose their shit over one man. They are so racist and phony. What will they do and where will they go when Donald wins.They talk about moving to another country and lighting themselves on fire. They will stay right here and become richer because of the man they hate.

  3. MortisMaximus

    July 20, 2024 at 12:17 am

    It is quite clear that neither of you are breathing functioning sentient human beings. Prove me otherwise by being honest about the state of affairs in America. Trump will be re-elected for a third term although Biden took up residence in the White House. Upon his return to the Presidency, DJT will repair the compromised immigration system. Other than that he will bring the corrupt deep system to it’s knees. To you delusional pseudo educated drooling progressive libtards, you will reep what you sow.

    • Henry Alfonso III

      July 20, 2024 at 10:07 am

      100% these delusional democrats are killing this country…! The lies they kept telling Biden is fine well it’s all coming down like a house of cards!!! Trump hater can you imagine being so. Delusional over a man you make a screen name of it lmao wow

    • Laurie Johnson

      July 22, 2024 at 11:07 am

      Trying to figure out what your comment about 3rd term is supposed to mean? I am a Trump supporter but he has only held office for 1 term and this will be his second term. Presidents are only allowed to hold office for 2 terms. Which we really also need to have for all our politicians and being that they themselves have to vote that into law it will never happen. We really need to get every American to Stand by the Convention of States. If you haven’t already you need to sign up with the Convention of States if each state gets enough signatures WE THE PEOPLE WOULD BE THE ONE’S DECIDING THIS!!!! THE CONVENTION OF STATES MUST BE INACTED GIVING US THE POWER OVER OUR POLITCIANS BUT IT MUST BE PASTED IN EVERY STATE FOR WE THE PEOPLE TO HAVE OUR SAY. GO TO THE CONVENTION OF STATES WEBSITE AND SIGN UP NOW. It will give us the power over the POLITCIANS they no longer can vote on things that benefit themselves like salary increases, term limits. It give us the power to control them they way it was always intended.

  4. Deborah Runnells

    July 20, 2024 at 5:09 pm

    GET. THEM OUT IF SEEN IN MASSACHUSETTS LET the K9 units have some training.
    Do a fly over. Boot them OUT

  5. MarceaByTheSea

    July 22, 2024 at 9:15 am

    You refer to trump (lower case intentional, little men, little letters) as being re-elected for a third term. Pardon your ignorance, he’s only been in office for ONE TERM, Thank you Jesus!!

    • Patricia Surprenant

      July 26, 2024 at 7:41 pm

      Trump built the wall. We had a great economy, taxes were down, peace in Middle East and we were respected there, no new wars, put Rowe v Wade at rest so the individual states have their say rather than Gov having full control, we had low gas prices, no supply chain issues. And I can go on. Only ignorance and indoctrination by MSM could keep a person from voting republican. We have had 4 yrs of gaslighting and 4 years of a inept administration under the socialist/democrat party

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