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The magical piece of art called Jughead will soon be no more in Somerset, but you still have time to visit one last time



Photo courtesy of Melissa Morgado

A local woman, with some help from strangers, created a magical piece that reminds us of days gone by but sadly the weather has taken a toll and soon it will be taken down.

Melissa Morgado of Somerset spent many days of labor creating a snowman out of empty milk jugs late in 2022 only to have winds destroy it.

Thanks to help from the community, Morgado created a new snowman in November of 2023 utilizing 768 jugs, a lot of glue, and a strong base.

With help from her husband, Morgado spent countless days and hours putting “Jughead” together.

Morgado put out a call asking for help in saving jugs which made Jughead a real community effort. She summed up the experience to Fall River Reporter late last year.

“It’s really the story behind him that’s making him so popular. The town pitched in and made it happen for me. I would never have been able to collect 800 jugs in 5 weeks by myself! The cost of almost all the hot glue sticks was covered with so many generous deliveries! The blanket for his scarf sent to us by my aunt, the matching one for the hat by my mother, the wood for his base to be sure it didn’t fail this year was donated by a stranger that I’ll call my new friend. Of course, my husband, who thought I was crazy last year but fully supported me and helped in every way he could to help it be successful this year. Your daily drop offs of jugs filled my days with smiles. When I would have a rough day and you all would stop by and chat or throw a jug in the bin from your window with a huge grin and a wave, that turned my day around! And it’s pretty evident that he has brought a smile to your faces too. I got to see some kids take their picture with him last night and I thought my heart would burst. I hope that they have those memories for years to come, their excitement was beautiful. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping with Jughead.”

In September of this year, Morgado revealed that Jughead would soon have to be taken down.

“I’m going to be doing one last change to Jughead for fall and then, unfortunately, we will have to take him down after Thanksgiving. He’s too damaged from the heat to stand through another winter, but how amazing is it that he will have made it a full year! About 2 weeks from now he will be ready for his last update. I’m so glad you all have supported us and been part of the journey, and I hope many of you will come take one last picture with your kiddos before he’s gone!”

If you would like to visit Jughead one last time, he is located at 35 Pierce Lane in Somerset.


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