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South Coast Rail update: Test trains set to begin on one line; more updates for Fall River, New Bedford, Taunton, Middleborough, Lakeville, Raynham, Freetown



Graphic courtesy of MassDOT

Here is the construction update on Phase 1 of the MBTA South Coast Rail, according to MassDOT.

Middleborough, Lakeville, Raynham, Taunton, Freetown, Fall River, and New Bedford: Signal System Installations and Testing

Installations and testing for the railroad signal system for the entire South Coast Rail Phase 1 is ongoing along the railroad right-of-way and at railroad crossings. Please be advised that during this work, signals may be disabled. In those instances, railroad workers known as flaggers will be in place to safely direct train traffic through crossings, and drivers should heed the flaggers’ directions.

This Friday, February 10, and in the weeks ahead, the project will also be running test trains along the Middleborough Secondary line to make sure the new signal systems are properly working. Abutters to the railroad may notice the increased train traffic and crossing signal usage.

Location of work: Signal work along the railroad right-of-way and crossings on the Middleborough Secondary Line (Middleborough, Lakeville, Raynham, Taunton), the Fall River Secondary Line (Berkley, Assonet, Fall River), and the New Bedford Main Line (Taunton, Berkley, Lakeville, Freetown, New Bedford)

Dates/Hours of Work: Typically, Monday through Sunday, 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Middleborough: Roadwork and Single-lane Closures on Route 105 (South Main Street)

Location of work: Roadwork and traffic signal installation near the new Middleborough Station site (161 South Main Street) on Route 105 across from the I-495 on/off ramps, as well as at the future pedestrian crossing of Route 28 (Grove Street) between the railroad overpasses

Dates/Hours of Work: •Single-lane closures on Route 105 on weekdays, 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM

For roadway-construction issues related to this Route 105 work please call 423-375-4086.

Taunton: Shoulder and Lane Closure for Utility Installation and Traffic Signal Modifications on Route 140 (County Street)

Location of work: Route 140 (County Street) at the Taunton Depot Drive intersection and on the southbound side at the entrance to Industrial Drive

Dates/Hours of Work: Weekdays, 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM

For roadway-construction issues related to this Route 140 work please call 423-375-4086.

New Bedford: City Water Main Work at Samuel Barnet Boulevard Railroad Crossing

In January and February, the City of New Bedford’s contractor will be installing a new 16-inch water main at the Samuel Barnet Boulevard railroad crossing between John Vertente Boulevard and Duchaine Boulevard in New Bedford. Single lane closures on Samuel Barnet Boulevard will be in place at times during work hours. Construction signage will be posted, and officers will be on site to assist with traffic management as necessary.

Fencing Installation: Middleborough, Lakeville, Raynham, Taunton, Assonet, Freetown, Fall River, Berkley, and New Bedford

Location of work: •Installation of fencing along the Middleborough Secondary Line railroad right-of-way at locations between Route 140 in Taunton and the new Middleborough Station site (161 South Main Street, Middleborough) •Installation of fencing along the Fall River Secondary Line railroad right-of-way at locations between Richmond Road in Assonet and the Fall River Depot site (825 Davol Street) in Fall River •Installation of fencing along the New Bedford Main Line railroad right-of-way at locations between the East Taunton Station site (1141 County Street) in Taunton and the New Bedford Station Site (Acushnet Avenue at Whale’s Tooth Parking Lot) in New Bedford

Dates/Hours of Work: Monday through Saturday, 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Berkley: Railroad Access at Mill Street for Signal Work

Residents of Mill Street in Berkley may notice an increase in frequency and volume of traffic as crews performing South Coast Rail signal work will be accessing the railroad right-of-way and work staging area at the end of the street.

Location of work: Access to railroad right-of-way at Mill Street in Berkley

Dates/Hours of Work: Typically, Monday through Friday (with weekend work as necessary), 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Berkley: Railroad Access at Cotley Street

Location of work: Cotley Street in Berkley

Dates/Hours of Work: Please note that the contractor will be using Cotley Street to access the right-of-way for various work activities. This access will be primarily used during the daytime (7:00 AM-7:00 PM) but will also be used 24-hours/day during some activities.

Berkley: Railroad Work at Myricks Street

Location of work: Work in the railroad right-of-way in the area of Myricks Street in Berkley

Dates/Hours of Work: Typically, Monday through Saturday (with weekend work as necessary), 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Please note that although regular daytime construction hours begin at 7:00 AM, abutters may notice crews arriving at the construction sites prior to this time.

Daytime Work on Middleborough Secondary and New Bedford Main Line

Construction is ongoing at station and layover sites and along the railroad right-of-way from Middleborough to New Bedford.

Location of Work: •New Middleborough Station site, 161 South Main Street, Middleborough •East Taunton Station site, 1141 County Street, Taunton •Wamsutta Layover Facility site, 217 Herman Melville Boulevard, New Bedford •Church Street Station site, 387 Church Street, New Bedford • New Bedford Station Site, Acushnet Avenue (at Whale’s Tooth Parking Lot), New Bedford •Middleborough Secondary and New Bedford Main Line right-of-way

Dates/Hours of Work: •Monday, February 7 through Sunday, February 12, 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM •Monday, February 13 through Friday, February 17, 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Please note that although regular daytime construction hours begin at 7:00 AM, abutters may notice crews arriving at the construction sites prior to this time.

Daytime Work on Fall River Secondary Line

Construction is ongoing at station and layover sites and along the railroad right-of-way from Berkley to Fall River.

Location of work: •Freetown Station site, 153 South Main Street, Assonet •Weaver’s Cove Layover Facility, 2680 North Main Street, Fall River •Fall River Depot site, 825 Davol Street, Fall River •Fall River Secondary Line railroad right-of-way

Dates/Hours of Work: •Monday, February 7 through Saturday, February 11, 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM •Monday, February 13 through Friday, February 17, 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Please note that although regular daytime construction hours begin at 7:00 AM, abutters may notice crews arriving at the construction sites prior to this time.

Daytime Transportation of Soils

Please note that soils excavated from the railroad right-of-way and roadways during the above work are typically transported during the day by truck to designated project sites.

Dates/Hours of Work: •Regular daytime hours 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Please note: the schedule for this infrastructure project is weather dependent and subject to change without notice.

Phase 1 of South Coast Rail is still on track to be completed before the end of the year.

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