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Somerset’s Solar Therapeutics to reopen with cannabis curbside pickup on Monday



America’s only energy-independent cannabis company – announced that it will reopen its doors to the public for adult use cannabis sales beginning Monday, May 25, 2020.

Since closing its dispensary doors after Governor Baker’s “non-essential,” designation to adult-use cannabis, Solar will officially resume recreational sales at its Somerset, Massachusetts location with regular hours from 9 AM to 9 PM Monday through Saturday, and 10 AM to 6 PM Sunday.

“The past few months have been extremely difficult on everyone. There’s no way around it,” said Edward Dow, Solar Therapeutics CEO. “We are glad to have been included as part of Phase I and eager to resume sales at our facility as we start working toward getting things back to normal.”

For now, when customers arrive at the Solar facility they will be provided product menus, drive around in a queue to place their order, process payment via debit cards with a pin and be directed to the designated order pick-up area. Solar’s ideal facility location has the capabilities to offer customers what most Massachusetts-based dispensaries cannot: ease of access. Set on 10 acres of land, Solar can allow for heavy traffic and easy access to ensure the smoothest purchase experience possible.

“Logistics and methods of purchasing are a huge priority once you start talking about curbside pickup and the potential for heavy volumes of customers,” said Dow. “We are fortunate to have the adequate space to accommodate over 80 vehicles on the premises during our hours of operation without any logistical headaches.”

Solar will continue to work closely with the Cannabis Control Commission, MA Department of Health and the town of Somerset to comply with all guidelines surrounding Phase I reopening. Its employees have been trained to exercise all appropriate measures to ensure the safety of their customers and staff. This includes enforcement of social distancing, mandatory face masks for all employees, increased sanitation and hygiene measures, and the use of technology to minimize contact during the purchasing process.

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