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Somerset college student found dead Thursday



A Somerset resident, who was a student at Bridgewater State University, was found dead at the dorm on Thursday.

Ash Valiente was transported to Brockton Hospital where Ash was later pronounced dead after paramedics tried life-saving means.

Condolences have poured in from friends and throughout the BSU community.

The BSU Student Government stated that Ash was a “bright light in the BSU community,” who “will be deeply missed.”

“Ash was a star of the campus community who impacted many in our residence halls and on campus. Ash impacted BSU greatly in the short time of being here” according to the BSU RHA.

Counselors are available to students, faculty, and staff in the Wellness Center in Weygand Hall on Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Also, Counseling Services may be accessed after hours (including the weekend) via the on-call clinician service. To speak with a clinician after regular business hours, please call the Counseling Center at 508-531-1331 and select option #2.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Ali OGara

    September 26, 2021 at 11:53 am

    My name is Ali OGara .I was Ash ( Ant) camp councler over 10 years at Camp Hoffman .She was a former camper of mine also I had Ash while Ash was a CIT 1 then become a CIT 2 . Ash ( Ant) is a role model to all of the camper in her summer Ash loved sailing in her summer .She was doing Windjammers in her summer. My fun memory of Ant(Ash) She received her red stash at Gypsy rest I was so very proud for everybody including Ash .I always see Ash ( Ant) potential She was always cool on the job also loyal at her summer at Camp Hoffman .I have see Ash grow up at her summer at Camp Hoffman

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