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Social media post about attempted human trafficking at Massachusetts Target appears to be fake



You may have seen it. It is circulating throughout Massachusetts. A social media post referencing an attempted abduction at a Massachusetts Target.

“This is a true story. Happened to coworker’s family Saturday 7/8 at 1 pm at Target in Taunton. There has been talk in Tik Tok about human trafficking at stores including Target.

My friend’s family member went to Target 1 pm Saturday (female age 20) alone. She paid for her purchase and went out exit. She was parked five cars down row. Close to entrance she saw man standing near front of store with his arms crossed and she was very aware of her surroundings. Man was looking at her up and down and did not take his eyes off her. It made her feel very uncomfortable.

Friend’s family member felt walked back into store and called her father on her cell phone who lived close by. Dad drove up to entrance to pick her up and as he drove her to her car to watch her get in and follow her home man that was at entrance ran to car and another guy was in back seat and jumped to front seat and they took off speeding. Seems like the man in back seat of that car would have attacked her when she got near her car. Please tell your daughters and grandchildren do not go shopping alone.”

According to Taunton Police Lt. Glen Jackson, they have not received any reports of this incident.

One of the dead giveaways is the post starts with “this is a true story.” Also, no news outlets have covered the incident. Fall River Reporter contacted Taunton PD to check the post’s legitimacy which ruled it to be fake unless nobody involved felt like calling the Taunton Police.

It is always good to be aware of your surroundings and travel in pairs or groups if possible. It doesn’t mean though that you should fall for internet hoaxes.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Antifa

    July 13, 2023 at 2:22 pm

    But the MAGAt suckers got suckered right into this just like they did to the pizza shop in DC. If they believe it it’s going to be true!🤣

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