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Sister gives touching tribute to 17-year-old killed in fatal crash on Route 95



Family and friends are dealing with the tragedy of a 17-year-old gone too soon.

Olivia Passaretti was the victim in a car crash on Route 95 early Sunday morning. She had yet to graduate high school as she was attending East Greenwich High.

The community is grieving over the loss of a young bright star. None more so than her immediate family.

Olivia’s sister Jacqueline wrote a touching letter to her sister on social media.

“You were the brightest most amazing soul this world had ever met. Over this past year, I watched you become the healthiest happiest version of yourself. It made me happy seeing how happy you were. You had just gotten your first job at Dicks, you had finally found and experienced true love, and you were FINALLY happy. Your smile lit up every room you walked into, and I loved hearing you walk into my house to just play video games or watch a movie. Im so heartbroken buddy, you were such an old soul. I used to tell you all the time how even though I was your big sister, I looked up to you. I admired your way with words and the way you truly cared about everyone you encountered. This should not be happening. My baby sister. You were only 17. I couldn’t wait to watch you play another softball season. I couldn’t wait to help coach you again. I’ll miss our late-night drives to Walmart and everything in between. My little buddy, I will always love you and there will not be a day that goes by that I don’t miss you. This should NOT have happened to you. The night before New Year’s Eve, I drove to moms after work to see you and we had such a nice heart to heart. I will cherish that. I just wish it was longer. My last words to you as you left my house last night were “I love you, text me when you get home…” that text never came. I wish it was me kiddo. You deserved all the beauty this life had to offer you. Thank you for being such a light to this world. To the scumbag driver that ran you off the road and fled the scene on foot, you will rot in prison, you will be caught, and you will burn in hell. You took my baby sister away. The worst heartache imaginable. The only thing that brings me the littlest bit of comfort right now is knowing that you are with daddy. Daddy, please take care of my sister. I hope you can all respect our privacy at this time. Just prayers please for my beautiful mom and sister Victoria. I love you Olivia, thank you for letting me be your big sister. I’ll miss you for the rest of time. Until we all meet again. ❤️ 7/22/04-01/01/2022”

According to Rhode Island State Police, the investigation revealed that a Mercedes sedan was traveling at a high rate of speed in the high-speed lane of Route 95 South in the City of Warwick at approximately 1:00 a.m. As the vehicle approached the Route 117 overpass, the vehicle veered right, traveled across the third lane of travel and entered the second lane of travel.

Police arrest operator, probation violator, that allegedly fled fatal crash that killed 17-year-old

Upon entering the second lane, the front passenger side bumper of the Mercedes struck the rear driver side bumper of a Nissan Altima that had occupied the second lane. As a result, the Nissan was forced across the first lane of travel and breakdown lane before entering the grassy right shoulder and traveling down an embankment where it then struck a tree, rolled over onto its roof, and came to rest.

The impact caused the Mercedes to spin several times, cross the first lane of travel and come to rest in the breakdown lane. The operator fled the scene on foot.

The operator of the Nissan, Passaretti, was pronounced deceased on scene by Warwick Rescue personnel.

The school will be offering support and counseling services to students and staff at East Greenwich High School on Sunday and in the coming days and weeks.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. John

    January 2, 2022 at 8:23 am

    Sorry for your loss my prayers go out to you and your family
    The individual will be found

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