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Rhode Island woman arrested after State Police say she was found under the influence with a child while on a highway



A local woman is facing multiple charges after an incident over the weekend.

According to State Police, on Sunday, at just after 5:15 p.m., personnel from Troop H- Hartford were dispatched to Route 2 eastbound near exit 5 in East Hartford, Connecticut to investigate a possible impaired operator.

Responding Troopers were advised by Troop H dispatch that the vehicle, a white Nissan Rogue, was failing to maintain its lane which led to multiple 911 calls. The vehicle was now pulled over in the shoulder and one of the callers was a Good Samaritan who had pulled over along with the Rogue and took the keys from the operator.

Upon arrival on scene, the Good Samaritan gave the vehicle keys to Troopers and reported their observations. The Good Samaritan reported that the Rogue had been all over the roadway before pulling over, nearly striking other vehicles and the guardrails.

As Troopers approached the Rogue, they observed an adult female seated in the backseat holding a minor child. The female was positively identified by her RI operator’s license as 37-year-old Javglad Garcia, of Providence, RI. Garcia admitted to operating the vehicle when asked by Troopers on scene. Upon questioning Garcia about why she had pulled over, Garcia explained that she could not see well. While speaking with Garcia, Troopers began to observe signs of impairment, to include watery eyes and slurred speech. The investigating Trooper noted difficulty understanding Garcia at times while speaking due to her slurred speech. Troopers also observed two packages of wine beverages on the floor of the vehicle, directly behind the driver’s seat.

Upon asking Garcia how many alcoholic beverages she had consumed prior to driving, Garcia explained that she had not had any. Garcia was also asked if she had consumed any drugs to include marijuana, to which Garcia stated that she had not. Based upon these observations, Garcia was asked to submit to Standardized Field Sobriety Testing.

Standardized Field Sobriety Testing were subsequently administered to which Garcia failed to perform to standard.

Garcia was arrested without incident and was transported to Troop H, where she was processed for the charges of Illegal Operation of a Motor Vehicle Under the Influence of Alcohol/Drugs, Risk of Injury to a Child, and Reckless Endangerment 2nd Degree.

The child in Garcia’s care at the time of her arrest was uninjured. A Trooper later transported the child to Troop H to await a guardian, and Garcia’s vehicle was towed from Route 2.

Garcia was later released from custody on a $5,000 bond and is scheduled to appear at Manchester Superior Court on December 13th.


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