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Police, Fire, Metrolec Team, MSP Air wing, K9 Units, and SEMRECC combine to rescue Bristol County juveniles in difficult terrain



Photo courtesy of Massachusetts State Police

Several organizations combined to rescue two Bristol County juveniles that were in a potentially dangerous situation.

According to Chief of Police Keith Boone, at approximately 4:30 p.m. the Southeastern Massachusetts Regional Emergency Communications Center received a 911 emergency call regarding lost and endangered juveniles in a wooded area in the Hockomock swamp off of Turnpike Street.

Officers responded to the Southeastern Regional High School to set up a command post and mobilize a search effort to locate two 16-year-old males.

Included in the search effort along with several Easton Police Officers and Easton Fire Fighters, were members of the Metrolec Team, MSP Air wing, K9 Units, and SEMRECC.

At approximately 7:00 p.m., the juveniles were located approximately one mile into the woods behind the railroad bed off of Foundry Street.

The juveniles were suffering from dehydration and due to the terrain, it took approximately two hours to achieve a successful rescue.

The juveniles were reunited with family members on scene at approximately 9:00 p.m. and evaluated by the Easton Fire Department.

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