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Piece of Lincoln Park memorabilia up for sale



Want to own a piece of Lincoln Park history? For the right price, it could be yours.

John Nicolaci Jr rescued this ticket booth on the grounds of the famous park in 1999. “It’s authentic. Spinner Publications made an announcement and I retrieved it with the knowledge that I would restore it and later display it at an exhibit at Heritage State Park.” The booth was almost finished as it was displayed at Heritage State Park that same year.


Not only did John take this piece of history home, he also put thousands into restoring it. The ticket booth is equipped with lights and a built in sound system with speakers for the outdoors. A good part of it is still the original wood. John is in no hurry to sell and he is asking $6,500. His ultimate goal would be to see it displayed somewhere or to possibly see it return to the old Lincoln Park grounds.


The ticket booth isn’t the only piece of Lincoln Park that John owns as he also owns a tea cup from the famous tea cup ride which is not for sale. He has also submitted Lincoln Park memorabilia to the New Bedford Antique Center.

If you are interested in purchasing this piece of memorabilia, contact Rita at 774-328-6584.


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