Patriots playground to be installed Friday, volunteers needed

Fall River has been buzzing with a movie being made and the presence of star Charlie Hunnam, but city residents will soon have another reason to smile. A new playground is coming. Some help is needed, however, to make it a reality.
As we have mentioned in previous articles, the New England Patriots Foundation, Robert Kraft, and the City of Fall River have been combining to have a Patriots playground installed at Maplewood Park. A playground that has been wanted and needed if you talk to neighborhood residents.
The installation is expected to take place this coming Friday and some volunteers are needed.
According to Special Assistant to the Mayor Monica Sousa, the city is having a community build this Friday from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.. Volunteers are needed if anyone is available. Volunteers need to be 18 years or older.
There will also be a ribbon cutting for the playground tentatively scheduled on September 11th. At the least, the New England Patriots mascot and cheerleaders are scheduled to attend, according to Sousa.
As in previously installed Patriots playgrounds in places such as Taunton and Brockton, there will be separate sections for different age groups with Patriots colors and logos displayed throughout.
With Friday’s installation, Maplewood’s new playground will soon have city children playing on new equipment.
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