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Pandemic, economy, public safety, infrastructure, addressed in Coogan’s State of the City



In what was supposed to be a live address on March 16th in the City Council chambers, Fall River Mayor Paul Coogan spoke virtually to city residents Monday in a pre-recorded message due to COVID-19.

Coogan spoke how proud he was of the residents of Fall River during the pandemic whom he would not be in office otherwise.

“I am dedicated to making this city a better place for everyone, especially the hard-working, caring and no-nonsense people who live here, the ones who give it its character, its color and its heart.”

Coogan touched on how what was first thought to be a manageable virus early on, became something much different. He remarked that although the city has seen more cases of COVID-19 as of late, the city is more prepared for hospitalizations and has gained PPE since March.

The Mayor thanked city workers and Fall River’s political delegation for their support during this time.

“I can’t do this job alone. No one can.”

Coogan went on to say that with the help of the transfer of money from the former streetscapes project, the city will be spending several million dollars to repair streets and sidewalks.

Littering and economic development is also high on the Mayor’s list of improvements, according to Coogan.

“We are looking to utilize grant funding in the Flint and East Main Street areas with the goal of reducing store front vacancies and improving infrastructure.”

He also touched on some growth in the city, particularly in the industrial park and waterfront areas.

Housing was also a part of the address as Coogan stated that a program is looking to work with landlords to bring properties into better condition while the city has also seen a housing boom with new developments.

In response to the opioid crisis in Fall River, Coogan stated that he is planning to put organizations that have been in the fight against drug abuse under one umbrella as part of a task force.

Coogan went on to say that public safety is his number one priority.

“No citizen should live in fear.”

Coogan concluded by saying that we all have a role to play in making the city a better place.

“When I ran for office, I told you that I had no magic wand and that I could not address these issues alone,” he said. “I continue to look to our city council, our school committee, our department heads, our neighborhood associations, our state delegation, our state and federal officials and to all citizens of good will to work with us to improve our very own city on the hill.”

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. SocialCrusticeCrusader

    November 24, 2020 at 11:50 am

    Wow, a true hero!!!

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