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Opinion: Bank Street Armory deserves better than to become housing



Photo courtesy of Michael Silvia

FALL RIVER – The Administration presented to the City Council tonight that after years of neglect, the cost of repairing the historic Bank Street Armory was too high and the best course of action for Fall River is to sell the Armory for conversion into housing.

Just as the Route 79 project begins to reimagine the waterfront, the City’s imagination with the Armory stops at the first and only bid it receives.

Rather than working to find a solution to make the Armory a catalyst of downtown renewal efforts, we’re told it’s too difficult to accomplish after years of not trying?

With only one question from the City Council about this monumental waste of opportunity, Councilor Brad Kilby pointed out the issue would move to the Committee on Real Estate next.

What good did he and the Real Estate Committee do for the community with the sales of the Nathaniel B. Borden School, King Phillip Mill, Lincoln School, Silvia School, and Healy School?

We are more than halfway done with this year and the Committee on Real Estate hasn’t met yet. The Committee should have been discussing the Armory at every meeting for 10 years now, but it will start to look for answers now at the 11th hour?

Other communities far and wide, recognize the greater significance historic armory buildings hold to their veterans, their residents, and their culture.

Is Fall River truly going to let another landmark fall out of the city’s best interests?

Alexander Silva



  1. Edueas

    June 27, 2023 at 9:43 pm

    Let’s put a methadone clinic and recovery house there.

  2. Nancy Silva

    June 28, 2023 at 6:31 am

    More housing? This is ridiculous.

    • S. Rapoza

      June 28, 2023 at 11:27 am

      Yep, that’s what they are going to do. :Like they’ve been doing for decades and decades. I’ve lived in this city for many decades and watched them disrespect many old buildings. If we keep building housing they’ll this city will be grid-locked and difficult to get around. As it is, traffic jams in the city and our surrounding highway system is a snag and there are always accidents.

  3. Ken Masson

    June 28, 2023 at 11:30 am

    We have a severe housing shortage because of lack of housing stock that’s causing the cost of housing the rise uncontrollably. The more apartments the better! What other uses do we have for this building?

  4. TexasWillie

    June 28, 2023 at 12:02 pm

    Even better idea, move out of the city and Massachusetts. It’s not the same FR anymore. I left for Texas and work for an amazing PD who takes care of its officers and has the backing and trust from the community. I’ll always love FR and MA but let’s be honest, it’s not a great place to live and raise s family.

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