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One more sign that Southcoast Rail is coming soon to Fall River area



BOSTON:  Senator Michael Rodrigues (D-Westport) and Representative Bill Straus (D-Mattapoisett) together with President of the Bristol County Fire Chief’s Association, Scott Kruger and Transportation Secretary Monica Tibbits-Nutt will join together Monday at the Freetown MBTA Commuter Rail lot for a MBTA Southcoast Rail Rescue vehicle presentation.  The Emergency Rescue Rail equipment will provide area Fire and EMS Departments the apparatus needed in an emergency train related incident.  The funding ($900K) for the safety equipment associated with the South Coast Rail service filed as amendment by the Representative with full support of the South Coast delegation and was authorized in the 2022 Transportation Bond Bill. 

“I am very pleased to see this vital equipment in action,” said Rep. Straus, House Chair of the Joint Transportation Committee. “This was a collaborative effort between the South Coast delegation, our emergency responders, and the Healey Administration, with particular recognition due to Chief Kruger and Secretary Tibbits-Nutt to ensure our emergency services receive the emergency equipment they require.”

“I am thrilled to witness this emergency preparedness demonstration firsthand. I’m thankful to these brave first responders who put their lives on the line every day as they deserve the very latest in emergency service equipment. In today’s world, we can never be safe enough. I am also eager in anticipation for South Coast Rail service to begin next spring, 2025,” said Michael J. Rodrigues (D-Westport), Chair of the Senate Committee on Ways and Means, and also represents Freetown.

In November of 2023, the MBTA conducted an emergency evacuation drill in New Bedford as part of the safety training in support of the start of South Coast Rail passenger service.  Next week’s presentation will highlight the purchase and use of the Emergency Rail Rescue vehicles.

“We are grateful to Representative Straus, Senator Rodrigues, the regional delegation, municipal officials, and other community members for helping the MBTA plan for emergency response should it ever be needed for South Coast Rail,” said Transportation Secretary and CEO Monica Tibbits-Nutt.  “The MBTA is on schedule to start passenger rail service in May of 2025, and we feel good about now having the equipment and training in place should local fire, police, and ambulance personnel ever have an emergency on the corridor. Our First Responder agencies should be commended for being so proactive in taking part in emergency drills, identifying equipment needs, and supporting the steps needed to acquire new tools to help save lives.”

“The acquisition of a diverse set of rescue tools and vehicles provides the Fire Departments of the communities soon to be serviced by Southcoast Rail the equipment necessary to provide a high-quality response to any train related emergency. The members of the Bristol County Fire Chief’s Association extend our thanks to the many government officials and legislators who assisted in making this equipment acquisition a reality. We especially want to thank Representative Straus, the Southcoast Delegation, and PFFM Secretary/Treasurer Billy Cabral for their tireless effort.”

“Safety will always be at the top of the list and ensuring heroic first responders are best prepared through emergency response exercises is vital. Conducting situational exercises in advance of beginning South Coast Rail service enables first responders to experience firsthand the types of challenges that could be encountered, including identifying additional equipment needs to protect lives should an incident occur along this corridor,” said MBTA General Manager and CEO Phillip Eng. “We’re grateful to Representative Straus, Senator Rodrigues, the delegation, city partners, and emergency responders who proactively identified the need for this equipment and worked together to secure the necessary funding. We look forward to delivering South Coast Rail service foe the public knowing that area emergency personnel are equipped and well-prepared.”

South Coast Rail is scheduled to begin service in May of 2025. 


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