North Attleboro Fire Department gives update, details, concerning 8 bulls escaping from Emerald Square Mall

Fire Chief Christopher Coleman reports that the North Attleboro Fire Department responded to an incident where eight bulls escaped from a rodeo event at the Emerald Square Mall earlier today.
At approximately 12:30 p.m., North Attleboro firefighters working a detail at a rodeo at the Emerald Square Mall, 999 S Washington St., witnessed eight bulls escape from their pen. The eight bulls managed to escape their pens, run through the parking lot and jump over a fence surrounding the event’s perimeter. The bulls then fled south from the parking lot towards the woods behind BJ’s Restaurant & Brewhouse.
One bull was caught shortly after escaping. North Attleboro Fire and Police, along with the Massachusetts Environmental Police, searched for the remaining seven. Members from the New England Rodeo in Norton and members from the rodeo at the mall also assisted with search efforts.
Video of bulls loose
At approximately 4:30 p.m., six bulls were found stuck behind a fence at a home on Prescott Street in Attleboro. North Attleboro Fire, North Attleboro Police, Attleboro Police and members from the rodeo at the mall and New England Rodeo were able to safely corral the six bulls into a trailer without further incident.
No injuries were reported. The rodeo, a one-day event at the mall, is currently under investigation.
One bull is believed to still be on the loose. Community members should exercise extreme caution and not approach the bull if found. If found, community members should call 9-1-1.