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Netflix announces doc series about death of Boston police officer John O’Keefe



On Friday, Netflix announced a new three-part documentary on the death of Boston police officer John O’Keefe. On Jan. 29, 2022, O’Keefe was found unresponsive in the snow outside of a home in Canton, Massachusetts. He was later pronounced dead at the hospital. His then-girlfriend, Karen Read, was charged with second degree murder, manslaughter while operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol and for leaving the scene of an accident resulting in death.

Prosecutors argued that Read was drunk and furious with O’Keefe when she hit him with her SUV. At the same time, Read’s defense attorneys claimed Read was framed for his death, maintaining that she was a victim of a conspiracy by law enforcement to cover up the real killers. On July 1, 2024, the jury in Karen Read’s trial informed the presiding judge that they were unable to reach a unanimous verdict. The judge then declared a mistrial and Norfolk County prosecutors have announced that they intend to retry Read for O’Keefe’s murder. 

The ongoing case has inspired plenty of conversation, and the as-yet-untitled documentary series will explore what happened in the days leading up to O’Keefe’s death. It is currently in production with Sandpaper Films with co-directors Danielle Johnson and Rob Miller.   

“The team feels immensely privileged to be bringing this important series to a Netflix global audience,” Johnson and Miller told Netflix. “It is a case that has garnered a huge amount of public attention and has far-reaching implications. We are also mindful that this is a hugely sensitive case, and we are determined to treat all those involved with the respect and consideration they deserve.” 

A release date was not immediately available.



  1. GIJosie S

    July 19, 2024 at 5:45 pm

    Depending on contributors for it script/context this could be either an inspirational game-changer production for society or…Not!
    Hoping Heart & Soul goes into this production; in which not only the feelings and grief of BPD Officer O’Keefe’s family are taken into consideration, yet also acknowledgement of how it feels to live in a small town (Similar to SC/Murdaugh Land) where intimidation, corruption and the subliminal abuse of power can make an entire community live in an “If It Aint’t Broken, Dont fix it ” era.

  2. ?

    July 20, 2024 at 7:47 pm

    Are they going to paint the police in this case in good light or actually portray them and as scum. Not a great idea considering the case is still open.

  3. Luanna E Devenis

    July 21, 2024 at 12:55 pm

    Given their track record on other cases, I would not trust the Hollywood version to tell the real story!

  4. A. Middleton

    July 21, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Living in Ma, knowing all the facts in this case, I hope this series portrays all facts n issues accurately. The coverup goes up all the way to the TOP in this case. Upper echelon of Massachusetts government needs to be held accountable, along w the Canton Police Department & the Massachusetts State Police.

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