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Neighbors demand changes after afternoon Fall River pedestrian crash results in transport to trauma center



Neighbors are looking for changes after a pedestrian was injured in Fall River on Thursday.

A call came into dispatch just after 12:30 p.m. for a pedestrian vs vehicle collision at North Main and Weaver Streets.

Fall River Reporter received two statements on the matter expressing frustration from residents who live in the area.

Submitted video of collision

The first stated the following:

“Yesterday a pedestrian was struck by a truck turning left from Weaver St. onto N. Main St. and is currently in the trauma unit at St. Lukes hospital with broken ribs, a punctured lung and several other broken bones. This gentleman was let off at the bus stop by a city bus in which there is no crosswalk from that point until you hit Rogers Hot Dogs and if you are traveling towards Shaw’s you need to clear 2 highways on ramps and 1 highway off ramp. Who puts a bus stop on the highway side of a street with no crosswalk for those people?? DO BETTER! The speed limit is 25mph and we have people driving over 50mph. Us with children fear for our lives when trying to get in and out of our cars and we have children who also need to get in and out, street side. We have lost countless mirrors on vehicles in the neighborhood including 2 cars that were parked and were totaled due to speeding and distracted drivers. With Weaver St. opening, it has become even more ridiculous with only 1 cross walk implemented to cross Weaver St. This is unacceptable and has been complained about countless times to Linda Perreira who did nothing. To cross the street, because there are no crosswalks, we have to come out between parked vehicles where oncoming drivers cannot see us and risk our lives. This is unsafe and needs to be addressed Immediately.”

The second statement expressed the following:

“We have had three people hit (maybe more) in this area since I’ve lived here. Multiple cars side swiped, and a few parked cars totaled. The mayor has done nothing to make this area safer. We don’t have a cross walk for miles. The closest one to cross is near Roger’s Hot Dogs. We need a light that turns red to stop traffic in order to cross. Something!

Fall River Reporter emailed Councilor Pereira early Friday afternoon for a response to confirm the account and have not yet heard back.


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