Mixed, but mainly positive, Jungleland movie reviews roll in including movie clip

In the summer and spring of 2018, Fall River, in particular females, had Charlie Hunnam fever as he and Jack O’Connell shot various scenes across Fall River, New Bedford, Taunton, and other locations. With the world premiere of the movie “Jungleland” occurring this week at the Toronto Film Festival, reviews of the flick have started to come in. For the most part, they are positive.
Jungleland made it’s first showing at the Toronto International Film Festival on September 12th with a few subsequent showings thereafter.
As some of you may remember, the movie plot is based around the ever-loyal Stanley (Charlie Hunnam) taking great pride in managing his bare knuckle–boxer brother Lion (Jack O’Connell). When a devastating loss in the ring leaves the pair deep in debt with Pepper (Jonathan Majors), he gives them an opportunity to recoup by taking on one last fight. The catch is that the bout is across the country in San Francisco and they are required to take an unwanted companion along — a young woman named Sky (Jessica Barden).
In getting to the reviews, most of them view the movie in a somewhat positive light overall.
Pete Hammond of the publication Deadline, stated that: “What really works about this compelling character study is the journey of these three people in a movie that for me harkens back to some of the great actor-driven movies of the 1970s. It has smart dialogue, a terrific trio of stars and a familial sensibility that also makes you care deeply what happens to these three on their journey.”
While a few reviews have commented that the movie is cliché driven including Variety’s Dennis Harvey, he also points out that “this movie is so thoughtfully acted and crafted you’d like to feel every emotion it’s communicating as strongly as it hopes you will.”
Digital Journal’s Sarah Gopaul thought Sky’s character weakened the film, but stated that: “There is a good connection between O’Connell and Hunnam, which makes their love-hate relationship feel authentic and captures the audience’s attention.”
The Playlist’s Jason Bailey rated the film a B- and went on to say: “Winkler’s direction is intimate and lived-in; he seems at home in these grungy rooms and on these grimy streets. He stages the big emotional set pieces well. The picture runs a lean 90 minutes and doesn’t waste the viewer’s time.”
Inside this link at the top of the page, Deadline has an exclusive clip of the movie.
For more on “Jungleland”,click here.
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