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Member of Assonet Boy Scout Troop celebrated at ceremony after earning 33 badges, rank of Eagle Scout



According to family, Benjamin Janczura, of Boy Scout Troop 164 in Assonet, has officially earned the rank of Eagle Scout.

His Court of Honor was held on Saturday at St. Bernard’s Church Hall. The ceremony was emceed by troop member Gavin Schluter, and Scout Master, Christopher Kelley.

The hour-long event included participation from former Eagle scouts of the troop as well as from Massachusetts.

Father Michael Racine delivered the blessing and benediction.

Members of the troop were led by Kelley in lighting the candles representing the scout law and

Benjamin’s Eagle rank was obtained by accomplishing the necessary requirements needed for the rank which included obtaining the needed 22 badges and to design, create and execute an Eagle project. In total, Benjamin earned 33 badges, and successfully led and completed his Eagle project.

His Eagle project, a multi-purpose, mobile storage and donation box, was built and is housed at St. Bernard’s church for their various clothing and food drives held throughout the year. It was built with materials donated by Suburban Heating and Cooling. He dedicated this project to his late grandparents.

Concluding the ceremony, Janczura acknowledged the contributions of the Eagle Mentor to his cousins Patrick Butler of Florida and Brendan Butler of Virginia, as well as his former teacher Joseph Giorlando of Apponequet Regional High School. Each were presented with an Eagle Mentor pin, recognizing the commitments each person made to helping Benjamin achieve the rank of Eagle.


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