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Massachusetts State Trooper stabbed multiple times attempting to apprehend suspect



October 19, 2018 – Earlier this afternoon, a multi-agency motor vehicle pursuit along Route 2 ended at the intersection of Route 202 and Fay Road in New Salem, when the driver attacked and stabbed a Massachusetts State Police Trooper, and the driver was shot. Both parties were transported to area hospitals, where they continue to receive treatment.

Preliminary investigation has determined that the suspect in this incident was involved in a motor vehicle crash around noon in Walpole NH. In the immediate aftermath of that crash, he allegedly carjacked the vehicle of the other driver involved in the crash, a silver Toyota Camry. He then fled in that vehicle into Vermont and then down Route 91 south in Massachusetts. MSP patrols and local police located him driving the Camry he had carjacked and pursued him, with the pursuit ending at the intersection of Route 202 and Fay Road in New Salem, where the Camry crashed. The suspect’s attack on the Trooper followed that crash.

Multiple criminal charges against the driver are expected, including armed assault with intent to murder, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, reckless operation of a motor vehicle and failure to stop for police.

The Trooper who was stabbed multiple times is in surgery at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center in Worcester. He was alert when he arrived at the hospital.

The Trooper is 47-years-old and is assigned to the Athol Barracks. He has been a member of the Massachusetts State Police since 2006. He has a wife and children. His name is not being released at this time.

The suspect is an 18-year-old male from Manchester, NH. He is also receiving emergency treatment at UMass Medical Center.

The incident remains under investigation by the Massachusetts State Police Detectives Unit attached to the Northwestern District Attorney’s Office, the Massachusetts State Police Crime Scene Services Section, and the Massachusetts State Police Firearms Identification Section, with assistance from the Orange and Erving Police Departments.

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