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Massachusetts State Representatives ask Baker to impose broader restrictions to help stop the spread of COVID-19



Rep. Mike Connolly, Rep. Tami Gouveia, Rep. Jack Lewis, Rep. Michelle Duois, and Rep. Denise Provost are asking Governor Baker to increase the State’s shutdown due to COVID-19.

The five sent a letter to Baker looking to have a wider shutdown to stop the spread of the virus.

“As COVID-19 cases and wastewater data have reached unprecedented levels in recent weeks, we are writing to respectfully call on you to impose broader restrictions to help stop the spread of the novel coronavirus. Specifically, we call on you to shutdown indoor dining, casinos, and other nonessential indoor activities.”

While the group stated that they appreciate some of the moves Baker has made, they feel more needs to be done.

“Unfortunately, we believe a lot more has to be done to slow the spread of the coronavirus. And we are not alone: In response to your announcement last week, the Editorial Board of the Boston Globe encouraged you to go even further, stating: “The governor should shut down indoor dining now to tame community spread of COVID-19.” Moreover, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is now recommending that people “avoid nonessential indoor spaces.”

The group pointed out that other states have begun instituting the measures that they are looking for.

“Other states have already moved to shutdown indoor dining and various other nonessential indoor activities. On Saturday, Governor Tom Wolf announced a shutdown of indoor dining, casinos, and high school athletics for at least three weeks in Pennsylvania, and on Friday, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced a shutdown of indoor dining in New York City, citing the fact that COVID-19 hospitalizations have not stabilized. New York and Pennsylvania now join a growing list of states that have imposed major shutdowns of indoor dining, including California, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Washington.”

In the letter, the 5 state that instituting the added restrictions would cause more harm to residents.

“As we advocate for further rollbacks, in the absence of sufficient federal aid, we recognize further restrictions will cause even more economic harm to some of our most vulnerable residents and small businesses, and we know you are cognizant of this fact as well. As it stands, there’s already been a net loss of 360,000 jobs in Massachusetts since February; one million residents are now experiencing hunger; many small businesses have been lost and may likely never reopen, and many others are desperately fighting for survival.”

The group is prepared to support a relief package for those that would be impacted by the added restrictions.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Liberty

    December 19, 2020 at 7:33 pm

    Stop these peoples paychecks!

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