Massachusetts State Representative looking to name official state dinosaur

A Massachusetts State Representative is looking to name an official state dinosaur with the help of some residents.
Rep. Jack Lewis, who represents the 7th Middlesex District, will be filing legislation later this month to make the designation.
“With so much uncertainty in our world today, can you think of a better way to help kids (and those young-at-heart) learn about the legislative process than be naming an official Massachusetts State Dinosaur?”
According to Lewis, the poll is open to any resident of Massachusetts and to those with close connections to the Commonwealth.
The dinosaurs up for consideration are Podokesaurus holyokensis and Anchisaurus polyzelus.
Anchisaurus polyzelus, whose name means “much sought after near lizard”, was a plant-eating dinosaur who’s bones were first discovered in 1855 in Springfield, Massachusetts.
Podokesaurus holyokensis (name means “Swift-footed lizard of Holyoke”) was a meat-eating dinosaur that was first discovered near Mount Holyoke in 1910 by Mignon Talbot, the first woman to name and describe a dinosaur.
You can vote, here.
As of 10:15 p.m. on Monday, the poll had 2,417 votes.
The legislation will be filed on January 15th , according to Lewis.
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