Massachusetts State Police Sergeant who lost K9 partner in the line of duty begins mission to educate about Nero’s Law

This morning, Massachusetts State Police Sergeant David Stucenski joined veterinary and paramedical professionals to train students in MassBay Community College emergency medicine students in Nero’s Law.
Enacted last year, Nero’s Law permits emergency medical personnel to provide treatment and transport, including CPR and other life-saving interventions, to police dogs. Sergeant Stucenski’s late K9 partner, Frankie, was the first dog in Massachusetts to receive emergency care by EMS technicians after being shot in the line-of-duty in Fitchburg last July. Tragically, Frankie, who was shot by a violent suspect that the Massachusetts State Police Special Tactical Operations (STOP) Team was attempting to apprehend, did not survive his injuries. Sergeant Stucenski and Frankie were both members of the STOP Team, the department’s tactical unit deployed for high-risk arrests and warrant service, among other duties.
According to Dave Procopio of Massachusetts State Police, today’s training was the first of numerous presentations that Sergeant Stucenski will provide to EMTs and firefighters in conjunction with veterinarians and veterinary technicians. This morning’s presentation, held at MassBay’s Framingham campus, was given by veterinarians Dr. Karen Patti, Dr. Alexis Zallas, and Dr. Kathleen Kanjer, veterinary technicians Jennifer Hurteau and Amy Oliver, MassBay EMS Program Director Joe Murphy, and Sergeant Stucenski. The presenters utilized actual dogs and several dog mannequins in the training. Sergeant Stucenski was joined by his K9 partner Zekk. The training was well-attended by students in MassBay’s Emergency Medical Technician and Paramedicine programs.
Nero’s Law is named for the K9 partner of Yarmouth Police Sergeant Sean Gannon. Sergeant Gannon was fatally shot and Nero suffered life-threatening injuries while they were searching a home for a suspect. Because of state law at the time, Nero could not be treated or transported by EMS. In response, Nero’s Law was signed by Governor Charlie Baker in April 2022, and it permits emergency medical personnel to provide emergency medical treatment and transport of K9 partners, including first-aid, CPR, and lifesaving interventions. MassBay Community College’s Emergency Medical Services (EMS) program is believed to be the first program to integrate the training component of Nero’s Law into its curriculum.
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