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Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Jersey psychic with lengthy history accused of stealing by deception over $25,000 from client



A “compassionate tarot reading” psychic with a lengthy history has been accused of stealing thousands from a client.

According to police, Tina Mitchell, 49, of Providence, Rhode Island, was arrested for the second time within several weeks at Franklin Police Headquarters following a theft by deception complaint and investigation conducted by Sgt. Robert Vander Ploeg. Mitchell had been previously arrested by the Franklin Borough Police Department, who had extradited her from Massachusetts in April for similar offenses against an unrelated victim, with the assistance of the Sussex County Prosecutor’s Office. She had been released from the Morris County Correctional Facility on April 15, 2024, and was awaiting additional appearances in Sussex County Superior Court when she continued communication with another victim, who reported Mitchell’s actions to the agency on May 17, 2024.

The latest victim alleged that Mitchell, who again identified herself as “Aminah,” had been communicating with her since July of 2023 and had taken currency, precious metals, and jewelry in her capacity as a psychic and tarot reader, amounting to more than $25,000. Mitchell had been operating Compassionate Tarot Reading within the Borough of Franklin. Due to the prior investigation and issued complaint, Mitchell was already known to have a lengthy history of similar activity in multiple states and countries. She had also posted bail for an outstanding theft warrant in Union City that had been issued in 2001.

Once the investigation was undertaken by Sgt. Vander Ploeg, contact was made with Mitchell and her attorney, after which she presented herself to the agency from her out-of-state residence on the morning of May 26, 2024. Mitchell was issued a complaint summons for third-degree theft by deception and was released pending her appearance in Sussex County Superior Court in accordance with the NJ Bail Reform Act.



  1. Fed Up

    June 12, 2024 at 12:37 pm

    Wow a so called psychic is guilty of robbing people? say it isn’t so Joe

    • Diana Mandeville

      June 12, 2024 at 6:37 pm

      ”Say it isnt Joe!” Hilarious!! @Fed Up
      I met with 2 psychics in the past. One in Putnam, CT that was a total fraud, and one who traveled to a shop in Dudley, MA whose abilities were genuine, I did it for fun, but wrote her predictions down. It wasnt till after 2 moves in about two to three years that I found the notes I took in a box. Two of those predictions happened in that 3 yrs. One was a broken pipe. The houses large sewer pipe burst over o<r sink in the basement apartment. Gross. The second was that a couple will call you with distressing news about a baby. My sisters baby died in that short span within those 3 yrs. When its happening as you are so far mentally from remembering what some psychic says. Obviously you are thinking of your sister and how the baby died and being w family. And the burst sewer pipe happened all over my pans and dishes in the strainer and the ru&, it was everywhere. Worst part was it was already a depressing basement apartment. My head was already reeling from a bad relationship. Again, that psychic was never on my mind. Both incidents happened in the second and third year afterward. I ended up getting rid of a lot when I moved again, and I dont know where that paper went. Trash most likely. But that psychic who did so as a hobby , was truly gifted, or cursed with a gift to see. That all happened in 2002. If it happened today I might say well, stuff like that happens, but because she made those predictions within 2 yrs or less of when they happened, I believe she was ligit.

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